Friday, May 21, 2010

Kylie's first photo shoot

This past weekend we had Kylie’s newborn photo shoot. It went great and we were able to get some really good photos. I can't believe how fast she's growing, as of last Thursday she was already 7 lbs, 14 oz! She’s gone from not being able to fit in anything (even her newborn stuff) to pretty much outgrowing it! This coming week we've got her 6 week check up and then time to make the appointment for her first set of immunizations, fun! I've given these several times before, but I must admit that I am a little nervous to be on the receiving end. Thank god Jamie will be in town to attend, otherwise I may chicken out!

Other than that, not too much going on here. Jamie had to make a quick trip to Adelaide this week but was only gone for 2 days. I did go on an interview Wednesday for a job working in the neonatal intensive care unit, but we've got some stuff to iron out before I decide to take it. Here all of the hospitals work on rotating shifts so until the schedule comes out you have no clue if you are working days or nights. Wouldn't have been a big deal before as I LOVED working the night shift, but now that I have Kylie things are a little different. If Jamie has to go out of town I have no one to watch her (not that I would consider leaving her with a sitter overnight anyway) and the daycares around here don't open until 7-7:30. My day shift would start at 7 so again, when Jamie is out of town it would be difficult to work. It's still not 100% decided that I will go back to work, but all I was really hoping for was to get something part time that would get me out of the house and maybe meet some people. So, I'll keep you all posted on what happens.

Here are a few photos from our shoot.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Time Flies!

I can't believe it's been so long since our last post! Tomorrow Kylie will be 4 weeks old and it feels like we just brought her home yesterday. A lot has happened in the last few weeks, so hopefully I don't leave anything out.

The first week home with Kylie was a crazy one. Trying to adjust to the new schedule (her schedule that is) and finding time to hang out with the dogs, clean, cook and everything else took a little getting used to. Lucky for me she has been a good night time sleeper, so we usually get about 3 hours sleep at a time. I've realized that the part that sucks when it comes to breastfeeding is that you're on your own! It's kind of hard for Jamie to help with the night time feedings when he doesn't have the right equipment! The dogs have mixed feelings about her (Punkin absolutely loves her while Budder could take or leave her) but they've both been really good about being around her so far.

We were home with Kylie for about a week before my mom arrived (aka Nanna Trahan). Once she arrived a few "to do's" were taken off my daily list. She did most of the cooking and cleaning up around the house while she was here, which was a huge help! Unfortunately with Kylie being so young we didn't really get out and do anything, so most of our time was spent hanging out at the house. The Saturday before she left Jamie and I did have a "date afternoon". Kylie stayed with my mom and we went out to lunch and did some shopping. Sunday afternoon I took my mom out to see a few sites and shop while Jamie stayed with Kylie. It was nerve racking leaving her on both days, but it was good to get out. She did really well both days and daddy survived his first afternoon alone with Kylie (I wasn't nervous about it but he was!!).

This past week was full of outings, appointments and our first Mothers Day so it has gone by the quickest so far. My mom's flight to head back home was late Wednesday night, so we made reservations for dinner at the Raffles Bar and Grill before she got on her plane. It was a thank you for helping out the10 days she was here and a chance to get Kylie dressed up. The food was great and Kylie looked so cute in her little headband and dress! It turned out to be a great night and Kylie made it through dinner with no problems. Thursday we had an appointment to get her US paperwork done (social security card, passport, etc) and Saturday was the CB&I family picnic. We made it through both of those with no problems or fits as well. Jamie and I both couldn't believe how good she was! To end the week we had a relaxing Mothers Day at home. Kylie and I spent the afternoon napping, while daddy worked on the house chores. What a great way to end the week!

I am almost scared to say it, but so far it seems that we have a pretty good baby! We haven't had any problems with screaming fits for no reason or not being able to get her settled. When she does cry there is a reason and when you fix it she’s done. She seems to have settled into a nice little routine all on her own and is quite alert, constantly taking in her surroundings. Hopefully things stay this way and I haven't jinxed myself by sharing the news with all of you! I'll leave you with a few photos from the past few weeks of our time with Kylie.

Photos taken at hospital

Nap time first week home

Play time with Daddy and waking from nap (2 weeks old)

Nap with daddy after an afternoon with Nanna Trahan, Nap after afternoon with Daddy

Hanging out with Nanna Trahan

3 weeks old  (on the right - she makes this face all the time, I love it!)

Dress up time!  Dinner with Nanna before flight and CB&I family picnic night

Our first Mothers Day!

First time in swing and flowers from Daddy and Kylie