Sunday, June 27, 2010

By request

The family has asked to see some new photos/videos, so here they are! Last weight/height @ 2 months was 10 lbs 1 oz and 23 1/2 inches!

Weekend shopping trips

First immunizations - She did well, I on the other hand was a mess!! So sorry to all the parents of the babies I've given shots to or taken blood from!!

Watching basketball with daddy. Game 7 of the finals - GO LAKERS!!

Nap time. This is how I walked in and found her, she was talking to her frog. Too cute!!

Video - Jamie was trying to teach her the Tiger Rag. They do this on a nightly basis.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Getting back to normal

This is the first time in a while (like 2 months) that I feel I actually have something to post in addition to a Kylie update! We've actually started to get out-and-about again and are moving toward a "normal" life.

Last Monday I celebrated my 29th birthday. I woke up with Kylie around 7ish and by 8 I was eating homemade beignets prepared by my fabulous husband! Just so you know he actually made the dough and everything since they don't have canned biscuits here! After a wonderful breakfast it was time to open gifts and I must say that once again, he did a great job. I got lots of great stuff for my scrapbooks, including some new cartridges for my Cricut. We spent the rest of the day hanging around the house and taking Kylie and the girls for a walk. It was a wonderful day.

The rest of the week was pretty vanilla with nothing really exciting to report. I spent the first part of the week calling around to daycare centers trying to get information on part time care (which seems really hard to get around here), had a doctor’s appointment on Thursday and another interview on Friday. The interview went really well and I was called back an hour after I left to talk about proceeding with the hiring process even though I was told in the interview it would be next week before they made any decisions. My problem now is figuring out what I want to do.

There are 2 main reasons I am hesitant to go back to work. The first is how they do scheduling. You can't work just one specific shift. All nurses work all shifts, no exceptions! I know that it's not really a big deal, but I don't like the idea of having to work an evening or night shift right now for 3 very good reasons.

1) If I work the evening shift I will have all morning with Kylie but by the time I get home she will be in bed. It will be the next day before I really get to spend any time with her.
2) After Kylie goes to bed is the only time that Jamie and I get to spend with just the 2 of us. If I work the night shift it could be days before we spend time together.
3) If I work the night shift more than likely we would put Kylie in daycare the day I get off so that I can come home and sleep. I feel like a horrible person knowing that I am home and she is being taken care of by someone else! I just know that I won't get any sleep and I'll end up going to get her early. Another problem with this is what if I work a night shift and then they put me on an evening shift? It could be 2 whole days without getting to see her! (I don't think they would schedule like this, but just go with me on it).

The next issue is with finding a daycare that can accommodate this type of schedule. For part time, it's anywhere from $70-$83 per day. You have to give them the specific days that you will need care; you can't change them every week. Most of the places near us or where Jamie and I would both be working has a waiting list. We were told that it was hard to get into some of the daycare places last year when we moved here, but I had no clue it would be this difficult! We actually put our name on a waiting list for one last October and were told that it would be about a year wait, which at the time was no problem. I called them this past week and they told me it's looking more like January before they could get Kylie in. That's crazy!! Not to mention that the baby rooms here have children from ages 6 weeks to 2 years. In my opinion 2 years is a little old to be in a room with infants that are only a few months old. I know they have people in there watching them, but it seems a little dangerous that they have kids old enough to run around in a room with babies that are just learning to crawl. I think it's an accident waiting to happen. Am I crazy to think this??

So, I am at a crossroads as to what I should do. I want to go back to work, but I don't like all the drama that is coming along with this decision. So again I am stuck with the question; what to do, what to do??

On another note yesterday we decided to get out and have lunch somewhere besides a fast food joint. We had a great afternoon and Kylie was actually alert and seemed to enjoy the new environment. We had a great time and were actually comfortable enough to enjoy our lunches...not inhale them!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Video for grandparents

This video was made for the grandparents but it was too big to upload in an email. Now you all get to enjoy it!!

Update and 1st lunch date with Daddy

It's been about 2 weeks since our last update and a lot has happened. We've had our 6 week check-ups and her new weight as of last week is 8lbs 12 oz. She's also 21 3/4 inches long. We've outgrown the newborn clothes mainly due to her length, but luckily, thanks to a lunch date with daddy this week all newborn clothes were worn at least once!

This past weekend Kylie also experienced her first shopping trip. It probably would have gone a lot better if we would have tried it on a weekday, but for the most part she did really well. The problem is that everything around here is open 10 am to 5:30 pm Monday thru Saturday and closed on Sunday so Saturday's are a madhouse!! It was crowded and really loud, so who could really blame her? Lucky for us we were finished at that time and Jamie was already headed for the register. We were able to get her in the car and home before she knew it.

As I mentioned before this past Tuesday Kylie had her first lunch date with daddy. We've only taken her out to eat once and that was our dinner out with Nanna Trahan when she was here (Kylie was 3 weeks old) so we thought we'd try it out again. Kylie and I got all pretty and headed downtown to meet Jamie at the office.

And this is how she was the entire time!

And when we got back home...

Wide awake again!