Sunday, October 17, 2010

Half Birthday

I know it's been awhile since my last post, but I can explain...really. Jamie has been working MAD hours lately, home no earlier than 8:00 and even worked the weekend. I've had Kylie all to myself 24 hours a day for the past however many days it's been!! We both (Kylie and I) got sick two weeks ago and it took a good week for Kylie to get over it! Awww, her first "true" cold! If it wasn’t so annoying I'd think it was cute! I mean seriously, how do you tell a 6 month old that if she blows out she will clear her nose or that if she opens her mouth and breaths that way she won't pass out from lack of oxygen??? Any who, it's done now and all is well, with the exception of Jamie's crazy work schedule probably hanging around until his birthday.

Since we haven't had any time to actually do anything as a family this post will strictly be a Kylie update. This past week we celebrated her "half birthday"!! Yay, 6 months old!!! The weeks leading up to this have been packed with so many new and exciting things, Jamie feels like he's looking at a different kid when he finally does get to see her awake!

We've started solids and so far I can tell you that we haven't found a food this kiddo doesn't like! She doesn't take to everything right away, but usually if it's not an instant hit the second time around we have no problems. She is sooo in to what we eat; I can tell that the transition from baby food to table food is going to be an easy one! It's gotten to the point where I can't even take a bite of something if I'm holding her. As soon as she sees it coming to my mouth she leans in mouth wide open and tries to take the plunge!

For the past few weeks she's started sitting on her own, but made HUGE improvements the beginning of last week and now can sit and play with her toys long enough for me to actually leave her alone for a while and get things done. She's also rolling lots more, but only from back to tummy. I don't know what's wrong with the kid, but she refuses to roll from tummy to back! She's done it twice, back when she was like 13-14 weeks but I can count on one hand how many times she's done it since. The funny thing is, she HATES to be on her tummy, but as soon as you put her (or she falls) on her back the weirdo rolls right onto her tummy. You know you hate it, so why do you do it??? I don't get it.

She's not crawling yet, but she has begun pulling her legs up under her and bouncing her bottom to try and move. It's freakin' hilarious! Until she gets mad that is. My sweet girl wants to move so bad, you can see she is seriously starting to get pissed off that she can't move around like she wants to! You put her in a chair and she kicks and rocks, you sit her in your lap and she starts rocking and bouncing around. It's so cute but at the same time I feel bad because I know it has to be so frustrating for her!

On a side note, we started "big girl" swim classes today and she did well. I on the otherhand almost had an anxiety attack when they told me that I had to dunk her completely under water. Up until the point of doing it I thought I was going to pee in the pool I was so nervous! Why I was nervous I haven't a clue because she came up and started sucking her thumb like it wasn't a big deal! A few minutes later however hunger set in and she was kinda over the whole "swimming" thing. Lesson learned, next time swim class falls in the vicinity of usually feeding time, go ahead and feed beforehand!

Here are a few updated photos of Kylie, as well as her "Half Birthday" photos.

Escape from bouncy chair. I love how she looks like she got caught doing something bad! Practicing I guess!
 (used my phone thinking she wouldn't try again...)

These were attempts 3 and 4!  Glad I grabbed my camera! (5 months)

Sitting up and testing out the Jolly Jumper (5 1/2 months)

Last "mums and bubs" class : (  (6 months)

Kylie and her friend Alyssa holding hands.  Too Cute!

Photos taken on her "Half Birthday"