Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November, are you serious?!

To say that it's been awhile is an understatement! I can't believe that a month has already gone by. I could have sworn that I just put a new post up a week ago. None the less, it has been a month and a busy month it's been.

To start, Jamie's crazy hours continued all the way up to his birthday and a little beyond! What that meant for me was that I was pretty much a single mom for about 3 weeks, weekends included! From the time Kylie got up till the time she went to bed it was all mommy, all the time. It's a good thing she likes me! 9 and 10 o'clock became the norm for Jamie's arrival during this time with a few 11pm and midnight exceptions. It was a long few weeks, for all of us. We had a few good nights after the birthday but of course things started to roll in again and the usual 6 pm arrival was knocked back to 7-8pm again. At least the "weekend duty" is over...for now! This week he had to go to Melbourne but luckily it was a short trip and he is on his way home as we speak. Oh the life of the wife of a business man, gotta love it!!

Because his birthday fell on the day they were submitting the proposal for work I didn't have too much planned. He had already received his big birthday gift before his parents arrived (a new set of drivers and woods) so the fun and excitement of the gift was kinda done. I did however bake him a completely made from scratch "American style" chocolate fudge cake with butter cream icing. It was sooo good, I completely impressed myself. The only bad thing was that I didn't take a photo of it when I finished it. Why is that a bad thing? Couldn't I have just taken it later? Well, yes I could have and I did. The problem, I didn't realized that it was going to be a 32 degree day and when I went out to run some errands I didn't turn the air conditioner on. The icing started to melt and the picture below is the result! It may not have looked professional, but it sure as hell tasted like it!! Kylie and I also arranged for him to have a spa day which included a 1 hour full body massage and a 40 minute Indian scalp massage on Tuesday while we were at our playgroup and dinner at Fraser's in Kings Park that evening. It has a wonderful view of the city and was a nice change from The Boatshed, our usual restaurant of choice.

My beautiful cake!!  It looks like a 5 year old made it!

Outside of Fraser's in Kings Park

Jamie's birthday treat!  Kylie was in awe over the sparkler!

In the past few weeks I have also decided that I am ready to go back to work, assuming that I can find a job that will meet my demands! I would like to start with 2 days a week, only day shift and they have to be okay with set days (for the daycare). I went on 2 interviews last week and they both went really well. The first one was really good and they are willing to work with me on the days. They are only open during the day so no night shift but they are looking for someone to fill full-time hours. So, if they find a full-time person they like the spot will be filled by them, but if they don't they will use a few part-time people and I'm in. The second interview was with the same hospital I was offered a job at a few months ago but turned down. It's in a different area of the hospital that is a day unit so again, no night shift. They weren't "thrilled" about the set days and she really wants someone who will work 3 or more days but liked me so she said she'll consider my requests. I think that's code for "I like you and would love to have you come aboard but since I want someone to work more hours I'll wait and see if anyone else is willing to before I offer you the job". Usually I would be the one who is really flexible and willing to accommodate people but right now I'm not willing to do that. So, if I can find something that suits me I'll be going back to work after the holidays but if not nothing will change.

Kylie has lots going on as well. As of Thursday the 11th of November she is no longer "toothless"! That's right, my little girl has a tooth! It's on her bottom left, in case you were wondering. I'm both happy and sad about this new development.  It's exciting because well, it just is; but at the same time OMG...she's growing up! It has completely broken through the gums but has not come in enough to see it when she smiles, so for now it's just hanging out. Smart enough not to show itself all the time just yet, but still sarcastically reminding me of its presence every time she tries to suck or bite on my finger. Its little friend to the right is hanging out as well, but this one is smart enough to stay under the safety of the gums for a little bit longer. I have a feeling that by this weekend it will be brave enough to show itself though! Ah, the joys of watching your baby grow older! Who knew that something so exciting could be so heartbreaking?!  Maybe I'm just a little sensitive!

This past weekend she also got to meet Santa Clause. We weren't exactly prepared, as we were just doing some shopping and I didn't know he would be there but I had her photo taken anyway. She's got an expression on her face like "mom, are you sure we know this kid?". So cute even though she's looking at me and not the camera! Here are a few new updated photos, including the one with Santa. (Just an FYI we've now got 29 days until our Houston arrival!!! Yay!!)

Taking photos for our Christmas cards!!  Wait till you see the one's that made it onto the card!
(6 1/2 months)

New high chair

Hangin out with Mommy in the kitchen

 I've convinced myself that she was excited because I told her that she could eat what I was making instead of baby food!  I know, not likely!

First photo with Santa. "Hey mom, you sure we know this kid?!"
(7 months)

Hanging out in the backyard.  One day this look will mean trouble!

My little cutie!
And I leave you with the following mini story line...

"Mom, I'm stuck!"

"Well, if I could just see how this thing works"

"Wait, I think I've got it!"

"Okay, I've got nothing.  Since you're just sittin' there think you could help me out?"