Monday, February 21, 2011

Biggest Slacker!!

Yes, I know!  Three and a half weeks without a blog is just unacceptable!  I mean seriously, it's not like I have anything going on, right?!?  Well, actually; wrong!! 

As of my last blog Jamie was away, I was deciding between two different jobs and we were eagerly awaiting cyclone Bianca's arrival.  The cyclone drama was very short lived, as it literally dissolved once it hit the warm waters off the Perth coast.  In a matter of like 8 hours or something it went from a category 3 to a tropical low.  The night before there were some heavy thunder storms in the city (about 6 km north of where we are) and lots of people lost power but we didn't even get one rain drop!  The day it was suppose to make landfall it was a little windy, but that's it.  Not even one cloud in the sky. 

The contract on the other job I mentioned came in and everything was as we discussed in my interview so I accepted.  Yay!!  I am now officially working again.  I started my new job working in the Operating Suites at a nearby private hospital a few weeks ago and I LOVE it!  Kylie is doing really well in daycare and that makes the whole 'work thing' that much easier.  Not to mention I am only 5 minutes from her daycare and Jamie is only 10-15 minutes away if I can't get out.  It's been a little weird adjusting to the new routine but so far things are going well.

Jamie is back from Melbourne and even though the tennis finals weren't as exciting as they were last year he said that things went well.  Best of all, being the AWESOME husband that he is he brought back Krispy Kreme blueberry doughnuts!  I hate that he has to go on these trips, but I absolutely love it when he comes home!!

On the home front not too much has been going on.  Kylie and I have a pretty packed schedule now that I've started working and Monday through Friday is pretty non-stop.  Monday we have swimming, Tuesday mom's group, Wednesday and Thursday I work and Friday we have our workout with Ann the trainer.  Even though it's only 1 thing each day when you factor in Kylie's routine (breakfast, am and pm naps, lunch, chasing the dogs around, etc) it makes for a full day!  The kiddo is non stop! She has mastered the 'crawling' thing and has moved on to pulling up on everything she can get her chubby little hands to grip.  She also chases the dogs around, which is freakin' hilarious!  She thinks both of them are called Budder, and as she crawls after them she yells "eh bu, eh du bu", is so cute I can't stand it!  She'll even slap her hand on the floor and call them the same way.  I don't think they think it's a cute as I do, but they take it pretty well.  At the moment and for the past few days Kylie has been in rare form.  Not only is has she been sick since Saturday night with a cold and a temp of 101-101.8, the poor dear also has eight teeth that are trying to come in.  Yes, that's right I said eight!!  She has four on the top that have made their way to the bottom of her gums and are picometers away from breaking through and two more on the bottom that have been hanging around for the past two weeks.  If you ask me, she has good reason to be a little off.

As far as my vacation dilemma Jamie and I have decided to go ahead and plan for Bali.  Because of work we have had to push our trip back until June instead of April which actually helped in terms of the cost of the flights.  However, I completely underestimated the costs of the trip to begin with so it looks like even after factoring in the cheaper flights we are easily going to go over my original estimate.  On a good note, the Clemson schedule has finally come out and we are in the process of getting that trip planned as well.  It's looking like 2011 is going to be a vacation filled year and I can't wait!!

Of course I can't end a post without the updated photos!!

Afternoon nap with her tiger! (9 months)
(This is the one that Jamie got all on his own before she was born.She loves it and sleeps with it every day!)

An afternoon of swimming

First full day of daycare!  This is the before...

and the after! 

Just playing around!  Jamie used to put the colander on his head too! (9 1/2 months)