Monday, November 14, 2011

Home Trip 2011 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2, Part 1 - Pen-sac-o-la!!

So once Jamie and I got back to Pensacola after our Clemson trip we had 2 weeks to hang out and relax.  Well, that's how it was suppose to go anyway!  I think I've mentioned it before, but just in case I haven't this semester Jamie went back to school for his MBA.  He's only taking 2 classes this term but he has discussion boards, questions and quizzes most weeks as well as some other stuff including 2 research papers.  During the time that we were home Jamie had to write a 20 page paper and unfortunately it took longer than expected.  Most of his time was spent out in his parents RV trying to finish the paper which meant there wasn't a lot of time to hang out at the beach like we had planned. We did get to spend some time with family though and of course take advantage of being able to watch live football games.  That's right people, I said 'games'.  As in, more than 1 at a time!  Jamie was in heaven, I'm actually surprised that he was willing to come back to Oz!  Weekends were pretty much spent doing just that and of course the Clemson game not missed!

My little cheerleader
Watching the game, I'm sure this was taken during a commercial break!

Aside from lots of football we spent time hanging out with my dad.  Kylie enjoyed watching the horses and hanging out with Paw Paw and her Great Grandma and Grandpa Hunter.

Telling Daddy all about the horses!

My Dad and Kylie having a very important conversation I'm sure!

4 generations of 'Hunter's'. 
This was the best photo we managed to take!

If you listen closely you can here Kylie telling you what the horse says at the very beginning of this video

We also had a family BBQ at my mom's house where Kylie was able to play with her cousins and was introduced to the newest members of the family!

Kylie and Papa John, the cook!

 Hanging out with Aunt Crystal

As well has her cousins Bella and Morgan

The newest baby of the family, Brooklyn.  Along with her Daddy (my brother Richard) and her Mommy (Heather, Richards fiance).

In addition to visiting with my family we had some very special visitors from Jamie’s side while we were home.  Aunt Jenny, Uncle Sheldon and Grandma Hughes came to visit and meet Kylie toward the end of our visit.  It was wonderful to get to see them and now Kylie has officially met all 4 of her great grandmothers.  It was a great way to end our trip!

Dinner on the bay. Cheese!

4 generations of 'Hughes' + Pops and myself

So part 2 of our home leave trip was complete and from Pensacola we travelled on to Brisbane, our soon to be home. The plan was to start seeing some houses and narrowing down the areas of town we would be interested in living in. Our apartment was right in the city with some gorgeous views of the Storey Bridge and the Botanic Gardens. During the times that Jamie had meetings or functions Kylie and I took walks around the city and chased the birds and lizards in the gardens. Well, Kylie did the chasing and I took photos!

Our view, gotta love this weather!

Kylie chasing the birds...

and trying to pet the ducks

Yes, she attempted to chase this as well!

In the end we didn’t find a house but we were successful in determining the areas we would focus on.  A short week later it was back to Perth where the real fun was waiting. The McMillan Home Trip of 2011 was complete. Even though it wasn’t as relaxing as we had planned it was a good trip and just what we needed before the chaos of the move took over!