Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hello, December!

So, long time no post!  Time has just flown by and sadly, I can't even tell you what's been going on!

We had our trip to Fiji and it was awesome!  We pretty much laid out, ate, went swimming and ate some more.  Yeah, that's about it.  Oh, shopping, we did a fair bit of shopping.

Since we've been back things have just been crazy.  I blink and it's October, blink again and it's November.  Jamie has been slammed at work.  Lot's of late nights and even more travelling.  That means that I am on my own.  We were able to made time to head out and do a few things, most notably the Strawberry farm and most recently the Australia Zoo (which was fan-freaking-tastic by the way).  Now here we are in December, getting ready to leave for our trip to the US tomorrow.  And it's a much needed trip!

We'll be home for the next month and I can pretty much promise you that there will be no new post.  I will, however, be back in the swing of things come January.  A full update is promised, along with all the photos and stories that I've been slacking on for the last few months!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!!  Hopefully we'll get to see most of you during this trip to wish you well in person!

Take care and we'll see you in 2013!!