Friday, May 21, 2010

Kylie's first photo shoot

This past weekend we had Kylie’s newborn photo shoot. It went great and we were able to get some really good photos. I can't believe how fast she's growing, as of last Thursday she was already 7 lbs, 14 oz! She’s gone from not being able to fit in anything (even her newborn stuff) to pretty much outgrowing it! This coming week we've got her 6 week check up and then time to make the appointment for her first set of immunizations, fun! I've given these several times before, but I must admit that I am a little nervous to be on the receiving end. Thank god Jamie will be in town to attend, otherwise I may chicken out!

Other than that, not too much going on here. Jamie had to make a quick trip to Adelaide this week but was only gone for 2 days. I did go on an interview Wednesday for a job working in the neonatal intensive care unit, but we've got some stuff to iron out before I decide to take it. Here all of the hospitals work on rotating shifts so until the schedule comes out you have no clue if you are working days or nights. Wouldn't have been a big deal before as I LOVED working the night shift, but now that I have Kylie things are a little different. If Jamie has to go out of town I have no one to watch her (not that I would consider leaving her with a sitter overnight anyway) and the daycares around here don't open until 7-7:30. My day shift would start at 7 so again, when Jamie is out of town it would be difficult to work. It's still not 100% decided that I will go back to work, but all I was really hoping for was to get something part time that would get me out of the house and maybe meet some people. So, I'll keep you all posted on what happens.

Here are a few photos from our shoot.

1 comment:

kate said...

awww...she's soooo cute and smiley!