Saturday, August 21, 2010

Swimming and more

I mentioned in the last post that I would try to get some photos from swimming.  I am happy to report that I was able to get some but unfortunately Kylie is teething and most of the photos she has her entire fist in her mouth!  We were able to get a few good ones so here they are.

Floating and talking to her friend Rocky

Usually the noodle is her favorite part (she smiles and kicks the entire time) but this week she had other things going on, like a sore mouth!

Me and my girl!  Should have taken this photo at the beginning of class when she wasn't exhausted!

Wednesday we had our mom's group over to our house.  Preparing everything is time consuming as it is, add a 4 month old to the equation who is teething and refusing to take ANY naps and it's damn near impossible!  But, in the end everything turned out great and we all had a good time.  What should have taken a few hours to prepare ended up taking all day but in the end it all got done.  It was a lot of fun and everyone had a good time.  It was also a big day for Kylie.  That afternoon after everyone left she did her first roll over from back to tummy.  Lucky for me the camera was close and I was able to get a photo of her expression after the roll.  Priceless!
Some of the "mums and bubs" hanging out and Kylie with her friend Amelia

Kylie after the roll

And then came Thursday.  So Thursday night Jamie came home from work while I was playing with Kylie in her room.  I was trying to get her to roll over again (which didn't happen) and after she was tired of trying she started to get fussy.  So, Jamie decided to make noises using his mouth to prevent a meltdown (which worked).  The problem you ask??  Please see video below!

This is what I woke up to Friday morning.  At first it didn't register, but after she continued to do it for the rest of the morning I realized where it came from.  That is what Jamie did the night before.   Now she pretty much does it on command and gets aggravated when it doesn't come out right the first time!  She'll keep trying until she gets a good one, then she'll give you a smile!  She even uses it as a way to get your attention.  After her bedtime feeding last night she wasn't ready to go to sleep.  She would look at Jamie, talk to him and when that wouldn't work she would make the noise, so cute!  Jamie thinks it's hilarious and is so proud of the fact that she decided to imitate him!  Just goes to show you that you really do have to watch what you do around a baby!

To end our week we met up with one of the mom's from our group, Michelle, and baby Matilda Rose for some shopping and lunch. It's the final countdown to Sydney, only 12 days to go.  Does anyone know of a fast forward button we can hit?!?!

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