Thursday, September 9, 2010

Beautiful Sydney

We have arrived back in Perth with the McMillan clan in tow!  The trip to Sydney went off without a hitch and we had an amazing time! 

We were a little concerned about how Kylie would handle the flights, but she was AMAZING!!  Sometimes I look at her and wonder what I did in my previous life to have deserved such a wonderful little girl. With the exception of one night she was wonderful the entire trip (we think the night she was fussy was due to the time change and us trying to put her to bed too early).  I think I may have the best baby in the world, honestly.

Relaxing after our flight

View from our hotel room

We arrived Friday morning and had plans to hang out with the folks for the day. Unfortunately they were delayed so we spent the day hanging out and walking around the botanic gardens. It was a nice, relaxing day; even though the weather was complete crap. It had rained that morning so it was cold and windy. Even still it was great to get out and see the sites.

Checking out the sites, Kylie was so impressed she slept through it!

Bundled up for the Botanic Gardens then happy to be inside where it's warm!

The McMillan's arrived Saturday morning and thus our adventures began!  While Jamie's mom spent the morning cuddling Kylie (it was the first time she's met her!) Jamie and his dad did the bridge climb.  The weather was rainy that morning but lucky for them it had stopped by their climb time and the sky had cleared a little.  It wasn't sunny, but at least it wasn't raining!!  That evening we all went on a sunset dinner cruise around the harbor.  This was quite the trip for Kylie as she was able to cross a lot of "firsts" off her list. First vacation, first flight, first hotel stay, first boat ride...check!

"First" photo with Mama Connie

Photo on the cruise and Kylie passed out afterwards... Man, it must be exhausting to be so damn cute!

Sunday was our morning to shop.  We started the morning off at Krispy Kreme to full fill my 6 month craving.  Why o' why can't we get one in Perth already, I mean come on people!!  After that little taste of heaven we went to the markets and the shops in downtown.  After that Jamie and his dad went to the top of the bridge pillars to take photos while the girls shopped some more!  While in downtown I decided to get proactive and get some chores done, so I stopped by the Gucci store to have my sunglasses and watch battery fixed (I noticed it was dead on the flight...ugh so annoying).  They couldn't do either that same day but the trip was not a total waste.  As I started to walk out something in one of the cases caught my eye.  What is it you ask?  A handbag?  A watch?? A pair of heals???  No my friends, surprisingly it wasn't for me.  It was however, the CUTEST pair of pink, Gucci, baby shoes!!  Yes, baby shoes!!  They were simply adorable.  So, another first was crossed off Kylie's list.  First Gucci experience...check!

Sunggled up watching cartoons before our big shopping day!

Our trip to Gucci (check out her shoes!!) 
Do you think it was fate that they happened to match her outfit that day?!?  Like mother like daughter!

Photos from the bridge.  When they did the bridge climb they climbed to the flags!!  To high for me!

That night was also the night we had tickets to see WICKED.  The show was fantastic!  By far the best show I've ever seen!  Not that I've seen a lot of them, but still.  I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to see it.  It's definitley worth the money!

Me at WICKED!!

Monday was spent relaxing by the harbor and walking around the botanic gardens again before our afternoon flight.  The weather was gorgeous and it was a perfect day to enjoy the fresh air.  If only the entire trip could have seen weather like that!

Flying foxes at the gardens (basiclly the biggest bats ever) and Kylie with Mama Connie and Pops

Our little family

The flight back home

So, now we are in Perth hanging out and enjoying what the city has to offer.  Sunday we head down to Margaret River for some wine tasting, national parks and maybe a whale watching tour!

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