Monday, August 24, 2015

The Blog is Back!!

To say its been a while would be a total understatement!  Between moving half way around the world, starting new jobs, new daycare and getting settled into our new home, I guess life just got in the way. It happens to everyone, I suppose.

As I took Kylie to her new class on the First Day of Kindergarten (agh!) I thought, "I hope I don't ever forget this moment. More importantly, I hope she doesn't".  As I got back in my car with tears slowing rolling down my cheeks I decided that I needed to start making time.  Several times since we've moved back I've talked about renewing the blog. Every time, something else managed to steal the time from me. Sadly enough, it really wasn't even important stuff. Cleaning the house, an extra shift at work because someone called in, catching up on a show because I had the house to myself, etc. I could go on and on.  I've decided that no longer am I going to let these sweet memories pass by only to be forgotten a few months down the road.

Yesterday I did something that I haven't done in forever. I picked up my camera and took photos. Now days you use your phone to document everything. It's become the norm. I've gotten into a really bad habit of this as well and because of it the camera has pretty much stayed in the cabinet for the better part of the last 2 1/2 years. But it was our last day of summer and I wanted to document everything. I took so many photos that Kylie asked me to stop so she could go to sleep!! I couldn't help it. She would be going to sleep my baby girl and waking up a kindergartener!  Not to sound so cliché, but seriously, where did the time go?

We spent the day in the pool and Daddy prepared one of Kylie's favorite meals on the grill (steak and corn). Afterwards, there was a bubble bath followed by picking out clothes, a bedtime story and a surprise from her soon to be teacher. Sweet dreams took over, and this sweet girl went to sleep a preschooler for the last time.


Morning came too soon. Daddy had early meetings, but we made time to give Kylie a special gift before he made his way out the door.


A few more photos to please mom and we were off. (Of course, its been so long since I've used any of my camera equipment the remote wasn't working and I couldn't get a proper photo of us together before we left : / ) We made it to class and this girl began her day!


I had every intention of ending this post with a sweet photo after school, but Kylie wouldn't allow me to take anymore : /  She did enter the car all smiles and insisted that she had an awesome day, which just makes my heart smile!

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