Monday, March 23, 2009


It's been a little while since I've blogged, but there really hasn't been too much going on. I have semi-started my new job and things are going well so far. Right now I am learning the computer systems, dispensary, etc, until the nursing board gets everything straight with my license and transfers it over to my new employer. Until then, I'm stuck with the basics!

Jamie is also doing well. He has been busy pretty lately, and seems to be enjoying his job more and more. At the moment, he's in the middle of a contract signing and awaiting another bid to be awarded so that they can move on to the next phase of bidding. With these two going on at the same time, he has had to spend some late nights entertaining or making calls after hours. Sometimes that little blackberry annoys the crap out of me, and I envision myself throwing it off of our 25 story balcony! Then I remember that we didn't pay for it, and that he will just get a new one. What would be the point.....right?

On the home front both girls were sick this weekend. On Friday, Budder started having belly issues. Punkin had something similar the day before, but was doing fine then so we thought maybe just a 24hr bug and decided to let it go. On Saturday she started pooping blood, and I don't mean in small amounts (sorry to be so graphic, but I really don't know any other way to put it) so we decided she needed to be taken in. I ended up spending ALL of Saturday afternoon at the vet office. After running some tests they still had no clue what was wrong with her. We thought that maybe it was amoeba again, but nothing on the smear indicated that.

In the end, she was put on antibiotics because of the bleeding, and we were told to return after 5 days if it did not clear up for additional testing. By Monday afternoon there was no sign of blood so I guess the meds are working. Still a little scary not to know what was going on, but we're just thankful she's better!

Then on Sunday while trying to get a treat from Jamie, Punkin jumped up and landed on her right front leg wrong. She couldn't use it for the rest of the day and I was just sure she had fractured it. We decided to wait it out until Monday before I took her in, as this is my accident prone dog and she injures herself quite often. By lunchtime on Monday she was able to walk on it with a slight limp, and by that evening she was completely weight bearing. I don't know what I'm gonna do with these two! They will surly be the death of me, if they don't drive me insane first (....sigh).

On a better note, Jamie and I leave for Krabi in two weeks and two days (but who's really counting?)! For 4 days I plan to do nothing but sit on a beach (including Leo's beach from the movie "The Beach"), shop, and eat! I may even throw in a massage here and there, depending on my free time of course!

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