Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Random Thoughts

A few weeks ago an article came out about the most expensive cities to live in the world. Singapore ranked 10th on this list. The newspapers around here made a big deal out of it at the time, but even then I didn't pay too much attention to it. You would have to be dumb, deaf, and blind not too notice how expensive things are if you live here! As I walked around the grocery store today, I thought to myself "I don't need a stupid list or article to tell me how expensive it is here, I just need my receipts!"

So, to give you an idea, here's a short list of some of the things I buy and how much I pay for them. These prices are in US dollars.

1 gallon of low fat milk $8.50
1 pound lean ground beef $9.24
1 8oz Ribeye Steak $12.34
Small box of Cheerios $8.05
12 pack Diet Coke $6.76
1 can Cinnamon Rolls $9.62
1 pint Dreyers Ice Cream $6.76
1 pint of Haagen-Dazs $10.54
6 pack Miller Lite $15.91
8oz block of Kraft Cheese $9.92
1 lb bag rice $3.40

It's been a while since I've shopped in the US, but I'm sure some of these prices are a little high!
To give you an idea of how expensive it is here in general, the US cities on the list were New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles which were all tied at 23 along with Hamburg. Think of how expensive it is to live in those three cities, and how far ahead of them Singapore ranked!

On another note, the photos from the girls "mini vacation" were uploaded and emailed to me. If you are interested, or just bored you can view them below.

Over Easter, my sister took her kiddo's in to have their photos taken. Here are a few of my favorites. Dylan (brown hair) is 4, Mathew (the blonde) is 2, and Morgan is 4 months.

I just found out that my sister is getting married when we come home in Aug! Our little trip home is starting to get really busy! We now have a stop in Houston, a wedding and family time in Florida/Alabama, and a wedding in Connecticut! All this to cover in a week and a half! We'll need a vacation after our vacation!

My nursing license FINALLY got approved (again) last week! Woo Hoo! I'm now back to working as a full nurse. So far I'm really enjoying the clinic. The McMillan's arrive in exactly 1 week, and it will be nice to have a touch of home in Singapore.

I'll update everyone on our fun adventures soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey... where did you get that miller lite. i am visiting singapore here soon and i need to know this.