Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Meet Kylie!!

Today Jamie and I went for my 19 week anatomy scan of the baby. It's amazing to see how much she's grown just in the last few weeks and see the details that you couldn't really see before. She seems to be quite stubborn, as every time we do a scan she makes sure to move away from the screen and cover her face but we were able to get a few good shots this time.

The ultrasound tech kept poking and shaking my stomach to make her move and after doing this a few times Kylie looked at the screen and gave us the finger! Guess she truly is a McMillan! We all got a kick out of it, even if she doesn't really know what shes doing yet.

Below are a few photos and a cute video of her scratching her nose. As she goes through the motions you can see her go from what looks like a smile to a nice, almost perfected little pout! If that's the face we have to look forward to seeing when we tell her no Jamie's in for a rough ride!

Other than that no excitement around here. Jamie came home this past Saturday after a 2 week trip to Singapore and Bangkok. Unfortunatly he will be leaving again Wednesday morning to head back over to Singapore (yes, again!!). Hopefully this will be his last trip before we head back home for the holidays, but who knows? We've got only 18 more days until our departure and we can't wait! Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving and were able to relax and enjoy the family time!

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