Thursday, January 28, 2010

Australia Day 2010

This past Tuesday was Australia Day. It's kinda like our 4th of July, where people BBQ, go to the beach, watch fireworks and just hang out. We started the day putting our new BBQ grill together (as our US one will not work over here) and then the idea was to proceed to South Perth to have lunch and take a walk along the river. I must tell you now that I have only been to South Perth one time, and that was to drive around and find the eating areas, so I only knew how to get to the cafe street one way. This did not help us out on Tuesday. The only way I knew to get there was closed because of the fireworks for that night.

We eventually got to a street that we thought would get us close and parked the car. I will make this a short story and tell you that it was a very, very long walk to the restaurants and Jamie and I were already starving before we parked! We could smell food, but couldn't find it anywhere! To make matters worse, we really had no clue how close or how far away this area of the street was that I was looking for. I didn't even know the name of it, just that it was close to the water! This walk was even more shitty due to the fact that I am experiencing as much swelling right now as the freakin' Michelin Man (I have the photos below to prove it!!) and it was 90 degrees outside.

In the end we eventually found the street in question and found a nice little cafe where we were able to enjoy a great lunch. Afterwards Jamie got a snow cone (or what he referred to as the tasteless cup of ice), I got a milk shake (what I referred to as slightly thickened chocolate milk) and we headed down to the river for the walk back to the car. I must say, the walk back was much better than the walk there! It was a clear day, and the view of the city was beautiful! Jamie and I took some photos, but unfortunately we didn't figure out how to use the timer until late in our walk so we were only able to take 1 photo of us together.

Photo Jamie took of two guys and their cooler. The guy you see bending over was actually riding it seconds before this photo was taken but got nervous when it started going pretty fast. The other two guys are in their "Harry Potter outfits" as Jamie called them. Believe it or not, there were actually quite a few people, of all ages wearing this get-up.

Me, hanging out at the cafe. Look how fat my face looks!! I look like if you tried to squeeze me I would pop! That's about how I feel too!!

Perth skyline over the Swan River, what a gorgeous city!!

Me, with half of the city behind me and Jamie with all of the city behind him. Man I know how to take a great photo!! Not sure what Jamie was doing when he took mine!!

Jamie and I on the river... don't we look cute!!

We had already decided that we would hang out at the house that night, as we didn't want to fight the crowds that would be there to watch the fireworks. So, we stayed home and cooked hamburgers on our new grill. One of the nice things about where we live is that it's pretty close to the city. We could actually see the fireworks from our house. Later that night while the fireworks were going off we took the girls on a walk and it worked out great. They got their walk and Jamie and I got to enjoy the fireworks.

Other than that it's life as usual. I had an appointment last Tuesday but no luck on any photos or videos this time as she was in the breech position and we weren't able to take any good ones. I go back on the 9th of Feb so maybe better luck then. I'm still feeling pretty good, no cravings, no crazy mood swings, just lots of swelling. My hands have been swollen since right before Christmas but the swelling in my face and feet at that time came and went. Since about 2 or so weeks ago the swelling is everywhere and doesn't go away! I am drinking tons of water and take the girls on a 1-1.5 mile walk everyday (well, for the most part it's everyday although I have missed a few) and it doesn't seem to be helping. Hopefully it doesn't get much worse or I really may pop... seriously!!
Jamie has more business trips over the next couple weeks and actually leaves tomorrow for Melbourne to watch the Australian Open men's and women's finals. I know, rough job, right?? From there he heads up to Brisbane until Thursday and then heads back home. Then, the following week he's here for our appointment and then he's off to Adelaide for a few days.
I'm going to try to get Kylies room painted while he's gone but some of it may have to wait until he returns, either way I'll post pics when were done!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The McMillan Curse

As you have read in the past if you keep up with this blog when Jamie and I travel there is usually an issue. Whether it be a big issue or a small one it's usually enough to piss us off for a little while but it's never really ruined a trip. This past weekend travel plans were made, there was an issue, and I have to say this is probably the closest we've been to a ruined trip.

I may have mentioned it before, but Jamie's good friend Jason was getting married in San Francisco this past weekend. Since it was so close to our trip home we thought it would be best if Jamie made the trip alone and I stayed back in Australia seeing as though I am quite pregnant at this point. I made all of his travel arrangements back in November. I checked, double checked, and triple checked all itineraries, dates for hotels, etc.

Jamie was to fly out from Perth at 11:45pm on Wednesday the 13th and from there go to Singapore to catch a flight to San Francisco at 8:00am on Thursday. This would have him arriving at 8:30 am on Thursday the 14th. All week I told him "your flight is a 11:45pm, we need to leave the house by 9:30pm" and so on. Tuesday I emailed him all of his itineraries and confirmations for him to print out and organize. On Wednesday evening we went to dinner and talked about everything again. We got home around 7pm and decided to watch the newest episode of The biggest Loser before I took him to the airport.

At 9:15 he started to get ready and around 9:20 I asked where his paperwork was. I got it out to make sure it was all in order and that's when I noticed the time. His flight schedule said "departure at 21:35" and my heart stopped! I called Jamie into the room and asked him what time 2135 was. His reply was "11:00" and I took a deep breath and said "are you sure? Cause I just had a heart attack thinking it was 9:00". At that moment we looked at each other and realized it. We were obviously wrong and he had missed his flight.

In typical style I started to cry and Jamie got mad. Not because he had just missed a $2000 flight but mostly because he was going to miss a wedding in which he was a groomsmen for a friend that he's known since he was 4! I immediately got on the computer and started trying to find new flights, still thinking that his flight out of Singapore was at 8am. I was completely wrong about the times of all of those flights and it was actually a 5am flight, there was no way he was going to make it so everything needed to be rebooked. That's when the anger of the $2000 came in, thinking it was going to cost another $2000 to fix everything!

Within the hour I had new flights booked or changed where possible and luckily found a way to get him to San Fransisco by Friday morning. He would miss a full day but at least he would make it. I felt SO BAD, because I thought I had ruined his trip by not being more careful! He tried to explain that it was just as much his fault since they were his flights and he should have checked the times as well but it didn't matter, I still felt bad. The good news however was that he was going to make the wedding and after all was said and done we were able to make the changes for less than $100!! How that happened I still don't have a clue considering we had to pay to change one flight (the fare was cheaper so we were able to change it for around $40), completely lost money for one because it was non refundable (that's what you get for booking a budget airline)and then had to book a new one one day before it left. Guess the thing that saved us was being able to take a night off the room.

So to sum it up, we got lucky...once again! (some of you may remember our Krabi, Thailand trip last year!) Jamie had a great time even though it was a short trip, and was able to catch up with some friends from high school along with the groom. Here are a few photos from the wedding.

Jamie with Jason's mom Karen and her husband Pete

The bride and groom - Laura and Jason
The groomsmen - Look how handsome the the guy to the far right of photo 2 is!!!

Jamie at the reception. How much do you think he had to drink before this photo was taken!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Photos from Christmas

Here are a few of the photos from our trip back home.

The Betty Weber cake. I'm sure you've heard me talk about it before, but it truely is the best cake you will ever eat!! She did our wedding cake and ever since we've ordered a cake at Christmas from her. She heard we were having a girl and decided to decorate it in pink instead of Christmas themed.

Christmas Eve with the McMillans

Christmas Day with the Hunters
My mom and her husband John, my neice Braylin (3) , and nephew Dylan (almost 5)

Photo of Jamie and I before the baby shower/dinner.

Photos from New Years Eve Party - Hilton, Pensacola Beach

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Holidays are over

Jamie and I have completed the long trip back to Australia and are now adjusting to life back in Perth. The flight back was just as long and uncomfortable as the flight over, but we were lucky enough not to run into any travel issues this time. We picked up the girls afternoon we got back, and I am a little sad to say that they were not overly excited to see me. Guess they had a little too much fun while we were gone! Not exactly a bad thing!

For the most part things are good. We arrived home to a huge stack of Christmas cards and photos from friends and family so thanks to everyone that sent them. Jamie's back at work (although he's been really sick since we've landed) and I have started on the domestic duties of the house to get things back in order. Even though I absolutely love Perth, I have to say that I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad to be back. I always get a little sad after a trip back home, but it's a little worse now that Kylie is on the way. It was a little more fun being pregnant with friends and family around to share the experience with and to not only be excited with me.

I am happy to announce that after 2 huge packages by mail (about $200 in shipping charges), 4 checked bags and 2 carry bags (all packed to the max) we were able to bring back all of the gifts and items purchased for Kylie! She has so many clothes, I am afraid she will outgrow half of them before she gets the chance to wear them! Oh well, a girl can never have too many clothes and accessories, right?

We had a great time getting to see everyone but really wish we would have had more time. To tell you the truth I don't think an entire month back would be enough time! We hope that those of you we were unable to see had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! 2010 will be a busy and life changing year for Jamie and I, but we are super excited to see what's in store for us and our little family.

I just hope that we can make it through the year without another move!!