Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 post in 1

I had originally planned on posting these at separate times but we had a little bit of excitement this week so here they are, all together.

Post 1
Jamie had his annual sales meeting this past weekend in Sydney. Aside from meetings, some of the activities planned included a city tour and a sunset dinner cruise around the harbor. Knowing this ahead of time I made him take the good camera in the hopes that he would get some good photos. Luckily he did, because I don't think our everyday camera would have been able to take as good of photos as he got while on the dinner cruise. He arrived back home Sunday around lunch, and although he was exhausted he seemed to have had a good time. Here are a few photos from his trip.

Post 2
I mentioned in the post last week that we had a doctor’s appointment for this past Tuesday. I didn't feel well when I got up, but I figured it would go away after I ate breakfast so I didn't think much about it. By 10am I had a temp of 100.8 and my entire body hurt. I decided that since I already had an appointment for that afternoon I would just take something at home and if my temp went down I would just wait and discuss it with my doctor at our appointment. It did go down, but by 2pm it was starting to creep back up so I had to take another dose of Tylenol to get it back down. At the office I explained to the midwife what happened that morning and as she was doing my assessment she also found that I had a small amount of protein in my urine as well as a BP of 135/95. She took it 3 times and came up with the same numbers each time. My doctor ended up being called out for a delivery so it was about 20-30 minutes before I was called in to see her.  After she looked over everything she decided to check it herself and this time got 140/100. So, needless to say I was admitted.

Upon admission they began testing to rule out preeclampsia or a kidney infection. They figured with my medical history (I have chronic kidney problems and have been on medication since the beginning of my pregnancy as a precaution) if it wasn't preeclampsia it was more likely a kidney infection so while we were waiting on the results they went ahead and started IV antibiotics. Thankfully, all of my blood work did come back normal, and it was a kidney infection. In the end, I had to stay for 6 doses of antibiotics which ended up being a little over 24 hours.

When my doctor first told me I was being admitted my first thought was "oh no, I'm not as ready as I thought!". I kept thinking about all of the little things I still need to get done before Kylie gets here. So, now I've got a list. It's not very long, but its still things that need to get done (like making meals and freezing them, catching up on the laundry, cleaning the cars, putting together the bassinet, etc). Once I get this list taken care of hopefully I will feel a little more prepared! I'm sure that won't be the case, but one can hope right?

One good thing to come out of Tuesdays visit was that we were FINALLY able to get some really good photos/videos of our little girl!!! Jamie has decided that she has my nose and chin.  Overall, I do think she looks like me (when comparing my baby photos), but I guess we'll find out soon enough!  The second one is my favorite!

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