Friday, March 19, 2010

Just an update

Well its official the likelihood of having to have a c-section due to a breech or transverse position is now very slim! 

I could tell Sunday afternoon that Kylie was trying to change positions.  She was moving like crazy and all over the place!  Jamie and I were at a small get-together when we thought she had finally turned, but by the time we got home that evening she was back to her favorite sideways position.  Tuesday morning she completed her flip, and it was confirmed by ultrasound that afternoon at our appointment.  You could tell when the doctor saw her head on the screen she was relieved!  (Well, that and the fact that she continued to say she was happy to see she had turned on her own throughout our visit)  She showed us the chart where she had been making notes about the position for the last 12 weeks and with so little change in position during that time I think she was a little nervous that there may have been something to keep her from turning on her own (such as a short or tangled cord etc).  But, since that's not the case and she's where she should be we can now move on and focus on the weeks to come!

Once again this child has stayed true to form and made sure that we were unable to get photos.  She was in a great position to get some really good profile and full face shots, but she wouldn't move her arm away from her face.  We tried to poke and shake my belly but no luck, she's too stubborn! 

This past weekend we also had our photo shoot here at the house.  Our photographer was really nice, and we had a great time.  The photos should be ready in the next week, so fingers crossed they come out well!

I feel like a broken record when I say "other than that not too much going on here".  Jamie and I are really just trying to take it easy while we can before Kylie arrives.  This weekend we have our hospital tour scheduled and then next week Jamie is off to Sydney for 5 days to attend his regional sales meeting.  Hopefully that will be the last trip until the end of May but we'll see how it goes.

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