Monday, March 1, 2010

Packages are fun

As you may know I love getting gifts. I mean, who doesn't?? Lately most of the gifts Jamie and I have received have not really been for us, but for Kylie. Even still, I love receiving them! Yesterday, I received a package from my mom and sister full of baby goodies. It was mostly more clothes, but there were a few things in there that were on my shopping list (bottle sterilizer, a few small Dr. Browns bottles, pacifiers and some socks). Since I haven't really done any more shopping since my last post, it was nice to be able to cross some of those things off.

So far that has been the high point of this week. Not too much has went on since my last post, but things are starting to pick up around here. Jamie has been busy at work setting up meetings and deciding on trips in the hopes that he will be able to stay in Perth the entire month of April. His region is having their annual sales meeting in Sydney in a few weeks, so hopefully that will be the last trip until after Kylie is born.

My time has been spent going to my spa day (which was wonderful), doctors appointments, and shopping (our photo shoot is next week). I felt so relaxed after my massage; it was by far the highlight of that week! I think that it should be a requirement of being pregnant that in your third trimester you should have to get a full body massage at least once a month! I felt so relaxed and well rested for the rest of the week, not to mention the fact that it helped with my swelling too. Seems to me that it should almost be a medical necessity!

The week after my spa day was our check-up. Once again, she's in a bad position so no photos. The last time we were able to get a good look at her was before Christmas. Since then, she has been breech/transverse and hasn't tried to turn a bit. At our appointment a few weeks ago she was up near my ribs, this time she was low. She has another 4 weeks to go head down before we began to discuss my options about turning her or a c-section. So we'll see what happens.

I realize that 4 weeks is a lot of time, but since the day I found out I was pregnant I've had a gut feeling that I would end up needing a c-section. I've never had any broken bones, stitches, or major surgeries; so I just feel it's my luck that this would happen. Not to mention that this has been a really easy pregnancy so far. I'm sure some of you have heard the saying "easy pregnancy, difficult delivery". Yep, that's going to be me. I really don't care either way; I'm just tired of waiting! I'm not a very patient person so the past 30 some odd weeks have really killed me!

I feel like time is flying by, but almost standing still at the same time! I mean, it's already March! Where has 2010 gone? I feel that it's been like a year since Jamie and I announced that we were having a baby and that I've been pregnant FOR-EV-ER! (Mental picture in my head as I type this is "Squints" from The Sandlot, telling the story to scare "smalls"). Don't you guys think that I should have had her weeks ago? Or am I the only one who feels like she just won't come out!! I think part of it is that I'm so over the whole "weight gain thing" and I'm sick of feeling fat. In fact, I'm so over it that I even told Jamie I would be happy getting a treadmill as a gift for my first Mother's Day. What was I thinking?? No normal person says that. "Diamonds, I want big diamonds for my first Mother's Day and everyone after that", is what I should have said!

Maybe he'll forget that conversation ever occurred. I hope anyway!

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