Saturday, December 11, 2010


I must start by telling you that as I type this, the song The Final Countdown by Europe is on repeat in my head! I even attempted to put it on the blog so you guys could hear it as well, but because we are not in the US the music players will not let me add it to my blog due to licensing agreements. Oh well.

The past few weeks have been loads of fun!! To start, 2 weeks ago I was starting to look for Christmas gifts online to cut down on my shopping time when we get home. I was on when my computer froze. I waited for it to do its thing and restart but no luck. Instead, what I got was a wonderful little message that said "attempted to reboot, no hard drive information found". Lovely! I attempted to restart it several more times, thinking that it was just a mistake, but after 45 minutes of doing so I decided to go ahead and run the diagnostic test. In the meantime I am almost in tears, on the verge of a major breakdown! Why? A few months back, Jamie told me that I should backup all of the photos, documents, etc that we didn't already have backed up. I started to do this, but only got through the photos from 2009. What that meant was I had not backed up any photos from 2010, which meant no photos of Kylie except the ones I had put on the blog or facebook. I was devastated! 1000's of photos, gone! I guess that's the downside to digital cameras, noone ever prints off all the photos and keeps them in albums anymore.

Jamie got home a few hours later and managed to get the computer to start up in a safety mode and luckily we were able to get the photos copied without losing any. The next morning I turned the computer back on and it was completely back to normal as if nothing had happened the day before.  It was weird! When Jamie got to the office and talked to his IT guru he said that what happened to our computer is actually a common thing when someone gets into your computer to get your information. He said it especially happens on sites like Amazon, etc and what they do is shut your system down so that they can track the credit card information you've just put in. Jamie hadn't even told him what site I was on when it happened when he used Amazon as an example. Lucky for us I wasn't actually buying anything at the time.  I had just signed into our account where our information is stored under our profile. We spent the next few days backing everything up, changing log in info on all of our accounts and credit cards, it was a nightmare!! But now it's all fixed and there were no crazy charges posted to any of our cards, which is good.

Other than that fun filled few days, we've pretty much been gearing up for the trip home, hence the "final countdown". As of the time I write this, we have 3 days and 7 hours until take off! Ah, that's it; less than 4 days! I've spent the last week preparing the house and dogs for the trip as well as packing and doing some shopping for items that we will need to have on hand for Kylie. The house sitter has been by and received her instructions, the dogs have been to the vet for check-ups and teeth cleanings, the gardener has been by to do the yard and double check the sprinkler system and I have been through several lists and shopping trips to ensure that I have what I need for Kylie. Whew! I thought packing for Sydney was hard, but boy was I wrong! 3 weeks is a long time to be on holiday with an infant, especially when you're going to a different country. The formula is different, the baby food is different and in our case right now the weather is different! Even with all this, I am completely ecstatic to be going!! Not only do we have plans to meet up with some great people and eat some WONDERFUL food, but this year I'm really excited about the gifts we've gotten for people and I can't wait for everyone to open them! Not that we usually buy crappy gifts, but this year is special for reasons I cannot mention right now. Not to mention that it's Kylie's first Christmas, even though she has no clue what she's in for! Christmas is my absolute FAVORITE holiday and I can't wait to share all the fun with my little one!

Speaking of my little one, here's an update on her life! She will be 8 months on Monday but since we were leaving the next day we had her 8 month developmental check last week. On the 11th of Nov she was 27 3/4 inches long and 7.42 kilos or 16 lbs 5 oz. As of Dec 1st she was 7.7 kilos or 16 lbs 15 oz and 28 1/2 inches long! That's right, in less than 3 weeks she grew almost an entire inch! I know it's correct, because I always come home and measure her myself since there have been mistakes in the past. The nurse also said that "she is extremely socially mature for her age" which I already knew. I mean, at 12 weeks old the kid was smiling and babbling to get people to stop talking to others and look at her. She loves to be the center of attention and loves people! I just hope that the trip to the US doesn’t freak her out because there will be so many new people in such a short time. We've still only got one tooth, and actually, it's only a half of a tooth. That thing is taking its sweet time coming in, not that I'm mad because we really haven't had any problems with her being unwell due to teething. The right tooth is still just hanging out as well. I'm sure it will decide to show itself when we are in the middle of our 16 hour flight from Dubai to Houston and Kylie will decide that the pain is so unbearable the only thing that makes her feel better is to scream for hours because it hurts! Fingers crossed that doesn't happen!!!

She's still not crawling, although a few weeks ago she attempted it. Her last try resulted in a nice little face plant in which she hit her chin pretty hard. This week she’s back at it, but I think we’ve still got a few weeks to go. She's also really close to moving from laying on her back or side to sitting on her own.  She gets so mad that she can't do it. I know that it will be a huge relief when she can finally do it on her own.  She's still eating like a champ, and has even moved on to eating the same dinner we have depending on what it is.  This past week I made baked ziti with green bean casserole and she LOVED it!  The kid couldn't chew fast enough!  She had her mouth open waiting for another bite before she even finished what she had in her mouth.  The next night I attempted to give her something from a jar and after acting like she was gagging and spiting it out she gave me a look like I had just given her the worst thing you could ever imagine, and it was something she had already eaten the week before with no problems.  I got out more ziti and green bean casserole and she ate it like it was her last meal!  I've also discovered in the last month that if I want her to take any water or juice it has to come from a straw.  She doesn't want anything but formula in her bottle and she's not digging the sippy cups.  It's gotta be straight from my glass or a straw, no exceptions!

Tomorrow we have Kylie's last swim class of the year and then it's off to Jamie's work family picnic at Kings Park. Santa will be there to bring gifts to all the kiddos which should be lots of fun. Jamie wasn't with us the first time Kylie saw Santa so he's looking forward to seeing her reaction. As usual, I’ll leave you with the latest and greatest!

Jamie and Kylie hanging out while I finish making our Thanksgiving meal.  Must be nice to relax and just eat!

Kylie in her new swimsuit right before leaving for swim class

Taking a nap.  One minute she was laughing and playing, the next minute she was out. 
Now that's a good baby!

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