Monday, March 21, 2011

Pure Hell!!

So, I thought that 3 weeks without a blog was bad! I guess I just set a new record. Please see below for my excuses!

The last few weeks have been absurd! The title of the blog says it all, but I'll give you the details.  In my last post I told you all that Kylie was sick. Well, that lasted 2 weeks! It was a nightmare! High fever, runny nose, it was bad. When we finally got the fever under control the runny nose hung around for another week. It went on nonstop, all day and all night. Not to mention all of those teeth that were hanging around, well, all except for 1 were still 'hanging around'. I swear she has to be setting some sort of record for not only how long a tooth that is completely visible can go without breaking through the gums but also how close one can be without breaking through as well. 4 of them were so close I could actually feel the pointy little corners through the gums and yet only 1 managed to come out during that time. Aghhhhhhh!

Anyway, after all that we managed to have about a week that went well. During this time she became a little "daddy's girl" and started to follow him everywhere. Not to mention all the kisses he got from her without even asking for one. She would just crawl over to him, climb into his lap and lay one, or two and sometimes even more on him. When I would ask for one she would just turn her head. She even pushed me away one time and crawled after him crying. Can you believe it? She wanted him over me! I found the entire situation a little annoying; Jamie however loved every minute of it! So for the most part we were having a great week and then someone stole my baby! Not literally, but seriously that's how I felt.

For about a week Kylie was a different kid. There were a few days that I thought my child must be seriously advanced because the terrible 2's had arrived an entire year early!! I couldn't walk three steps, much less out of the room, without her breaking into a full blow screaming fit. It didn’t just happen when I walked away from her either. It happened if I took something away from her, gave her food she didn’t want, put her down after holding her, etc, etc, etc! Her eating was funny, her sleeping pattern turned into shit and frankly her overall attitude wasn't any better. This went on for AN - ENTIRE - WEEK - FOLKS! To make matters worse, when I say her sleeping pattern was shit I mean it. She would go to bed with no problems but would wake up screaming at least once a night. She would then wake up around 4:00 - 4:30 and would be up for the day. I wouldn't get up right away and instead tried to let her stay in her bed hoping she would go back to sleep. The longer she stayed in there the louder she got.What this meant for me was that I was up no later than 5 am for an entire week, even after waking up multiple times during the night. Trust me when I tell you that it wasn't even this bad when she was a newborn!

Then, on Monday (a week ago today) something just 'changed'. No more screaming fits and she was eating and sleeping much better. I don't know what did it, but all of this sudden my Kylie was back. As god as my witness, you would think you were dealing with a different kid! Jamie and I can only come to one conclusion. Even though she didn't have any signs of teething during the 'hell' week (as it is now referred to in this house) she did start showing signs of it during this last week so she must have been teething (as we now have another tooth). Along with the teething we think, or rather we know, she had a massive growth spurt during that week as well. Every weekend Jamie and I take the dogs and Kylie on a series of morning walks. This past weekend we put Kylie in the stroller and her feet could actually sit on the bottom of the foot rest with her knees slightly bent. They did not touch the foot rest the weekend before. During 'hell' week she also stopped standing up. When I would grab her hands and get her to pull herself up to standing she would scream and start to cry. I thought it was really strange at the time but chalked it up to her being in a bad mood. I had also mentioned to Jamie during this week that Kylie's waist looked really small. After weighing her she hadn't gained or lost any weight so I think it was just the extra length making her look so small. So, our conclusion is that she was teething and going through a growth spurt. Are we right? Who in the hell knows, but I have to think that there was a reason for the madness and these are the reasons I’m using! I am happy to report that the last week has been wonderful and my little girl is just as happy and silly as ever.

Things with Jamie and I are going good as well.  2 Friday's ago we had someone from the daycare come over to watch Kylie so we could have a "date" night, which was great.  When we were ready to leave Kylie went right to her and didn't even pretend to cry as we left.  That made the whole 'leaving her' for the night thing easy to do!  We went to a place called Halo, which is in downtown Perth right on the river.  It was great to go out for a nice, relaxing dinner, enjoy a bottle of wine and not be rushed.  Overall it wasn't as good as The Boatshed, but it was nice to get out and try something new.

I’m really enjoying being back at work and after tons of research I've finally booked our hotel for Bali. I am excited to report that the first week in June I, along with my beautiful little family, will be relaxing on a beach or at the pool in our villa with a cocktail in hand. Since we had to push the trip back from April to June because of a thing Jamie is working on at work, we will actually be in Bali on my 30th birthday due to the holiday weekend at that time. If I must turn 30 I guess that's as good a place as any to do it!

We have also made our reservations for the 2011 Clemson trip which will be taking place in September. The lake house has been reserved and everyone has confirmed their attendance!! It will be the first game we've been to since 2007 and everyone seems to be really excited about it. Beautiful scenery, great football and wonderful friends, we can hardly wait! The only thing left to do now is purchase our plane tickets and decide what we want to do with the rest of our time in the US. We're trying to decide if we want to do a beach house or a cruise, but aren't sure at this time what we will do. All I know is that I am totally ready for a US vacation, not just a visit for the holidays!! Hopefully the time will continue to go by as fast as it has up to this point.

I almost can't believe that Kylie will be 1 in less than a month. I'm not exactly sure where this past year has went, but somehow it's come and gone : ( As excited as I am about Kylie turning 1, I am equally just as sad. For starters my little girl is growing up! Before you know it she’ll be taking the credit card along with the car and telling me she would rather hang out with her friends than with me. I also hate that she will not have a big party with family and friends for her 1st birthday. She's got some really cool birthday gifts and the only way you guys will see her open them or see her face when she gets them will be from photos. The thought of it makes me really homesick even though I know she will never know the difference. Since I'm now getting really sad, I guess I’ll end the post here.

Hope you guys back home are enjoying the beautiful spring weather I keep hearing about!! It’s now fall here but we’ve still had a few high 90 – 100 degree days here so it doesn’t feel like fall. Not to mention there’s no football on so it can’t possibly be fall, right? Keeping with usual tradition, here are the latest and greatest!

Even with bedhead she is too freakin' cute!

The 2 loves of my life!  Could they be any better lookin'?

1st Valentines Day

Toddler fest, the only thing she was old enough to enjoy!

With friends at the park.

Playing in the backyard

1st swing ride!  She loved it!

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