Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Birthdays and More!

I'll first start by saying I suck, yes, I know.  Over a month without an update is unacceptable.  I feel as though I have been saying this in many of my posts lately, but alas, I am here to fill you all in on life at the McMillan household.

It's been so long since our last post that I'm not sure where I left off so I'll just fill you in on the recent stuff.  For starters my beautiful baby girl is now 1!!!  Well, I'm so late in posting this that she's actually 1 year, 2 weeks and 5 days old but who's counting?  On the actual day I arranged to have the day off so that we could relax and hang out.  For her 'big gift' Jamie and I bought her a playhouse and spent the night before putting it together since work would be keeping him away on the actual day.  I was dead set on her receiving her gift on the actual day, so after our late night out (I almost forgot about that but I'll fill you in below) we came home and stayed up until almost 2am putting it together. I have to say that is was as much fun as I envisioned! <--- lots of sarcasm intended!  Slightly buzzed and trying to be quiet is not a good combination for putting together a kid’s toy!  We managed it however and this was the end result!

The next morning, at 5:30 am Kylie woke up and Jamie brought her in to see her gift.  She LOVED it and hasn't stopped playing with it since.  I was exhausted but this face made it all worth it!

After playing with her new house it was time for the 'Birthday Girl Breakfast'.  Instead of the usual toast and eggs, french toast or pancakes I decided to change them up and replace the blueberries for chocolate chips.  This was the first time she's had chocolate and after eating 2 entire pancakes I think it's safe to say that she enjoyed them!

We spent the rest of the day shopping, meeting Daddy for lunch and of course more playing in the new playhouse!

To celebrate her 1st birthday we decided to have a small party with a few close friends.  Me (being the Martha Stewart, super mom wanna be I am) decided that I would do the cake myself.  I am fairly crafty and despite what most of you think I really am a pretty good cook, especially when it comes to baking.  Clearly, a cake decorator I am not however, and my vision for her 1st birthday cake did not go as planned!  The original idea was to have a butterfly theme with individual butterfly shaped and decorated cakes for everyone.  Kylie's cake would consist of a round base with one of those butterflies sitting up on top of it.  Of course the week this is all suppose to take place my oven breaks, and the main setting used for cooking is not heating up.  I can still use the grill option though and I decided that it's probably best to do a trial run before the big day.  Thank goodness I did, because the oven is a piece of crap!  It didn't cook evenly and I had problems with the actual butterflies themselves.  Since the butterfly cakes turned out to be a mess, I decided to just do one for Kylie's cake and do cupcakes with butterfly chocolates for everyone else. 

In deciding this the week of the party I forgot that I was in Perth, Western Australia!  If you are looking for something last minute I can guarantee that they will not have it!  Something so simple to find back home like butterfly molds, is like finding a needle in a haystack here...impossible!  So, I had to adjust my plans once again.  The big idea was the same, Kylie's cake the way I planned and cupcakes for everyone else but instead of chocolate butterflies they would get sugar butterflies, no big deal.  Then Saturday came.  I was smart enough to make most of the food the day before.  I even made the butterfly cake for Kylie's cake the day before so going into the morning I was ahead of schedule.  I made my homemade butter cream icing and got the cupcakes done, no problems.  I made my 'grass' on the top of the cupcakes and placed the butterflies on them and they looked pretty good!  Next I started on Kylie's cake.  First I iced the round base, then started trying to ice the butterfly and it just look like s*%$!!  You couldn't even tell it was a butterfly!  It looked like a big blob of icing!  I was devastated!  It was an hour before everyone was suppose to show up, Kylie was due to get up from her nap any minute and I hadn't finished getting ready yet !  I had to scrap the entire idea and in the end Kylie ended up with a plain round cake with really bad writing that said "Kylie's 1st Birthday" on it.  I should have used butter cream for the writing as well, but tried to go the easy route and bought a tube of writing icing that was pretty much crap!  It was thin and gel like and just crap!  When I tried to scoop it off to redo it with butter cream it just smeared all over the place so I had to leave it since I just didn't have the time to mess with it.  Luckily Kylie didn't care what it looked like and had a good time eating it regardless!

The party was a success and a good time was had by all!  We were sad that all of our family and friends from home couldn't be here, but were thankful to the friends here in Perth that helped make it special!  That evening we opened gifts and that was about all Kylie could handle for the day! Below is Kylie at the start of opening the gifts and at the end!  It took her a while since she felt the need to play with everything as she opened it but I think she enjoyed it!

The following weekend was a long weekend for us.  Due to the holiday's we had Good Friday off followed by ANZAC day and Easter Monday (celebrated on Tuesday).  We spent the weekend relaxing, shopping, going to Kings Park and of course eating lots of chocolate!  Kylie received her first Easter Basket and I must say that I think the Easter Bunny did a pretty good job.  Here are a few photos of our weekend!

Hanging at Heathcote Reserve and testing out one of her gifts, the Smart Trike

 Lunch at Kings Park

 First Easter!!

My little bunny, such a cutie!

I swear this has been one of the fastest years of my life! I feel like it has been just a few weeks since we celebrating Christmas and now we're only a few days away from Mother's Day. Over a third of the year gone and I can't for the life of me recall where it went.

I'm sure that the upcoming month will go by just as fast. The afternoon of Mother's Day Jamie leaves for about a week to make his rounds around Australia. Once he gets back we've only got 2 and a half weeks until we leave for Bali. A trip that is much needed and both of us are equally excited about! The idea of taking Kylie to a country such as Indonesia worries me a little though and I've got my fingers crossed that she doesn't get sick while we're there. I'll try my best to post again before we leave!!

I'll leave you now to enjoy some of Kylie's 1st Birthday photos!!

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about our late night out!  So, there was a big convention here in Perth for the oil and gas industry and because the company that Jamie works for is in the oil and gas they had purchased 2 tables for the dinner on the last evening.  We went thinking that it would be a pretty boring evening and we would be desperate to get home but it actually ended up being a good time.  Evidently this event is kind of a big deal and all of the 'who's who' for these types of companies in the Asian Pacific region attends.  The dinner was good, the open bar was even better and the entertainment was well, entertaining.  The highlight of the entertainment portion of the evening was when Guy Sebastian did an hour long performance for our small crowd of 1,600.  Seeing as though we've been overseas for the last 3 years I don't know how popular he is in the US but over here he's kind of a big deal!  It was quite funny to be out on the dance floor with the CEO's and VP's of huge companies getting down to his music when clearly they had grandchildren who probably had his music in their IPods!  In the end it was a good time but we didn't get home until 11ish, which is why we were up so late putting the playhouse together.  Not because we are a little challenged in the toy putting together category!!

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