Monday, August 8, 2011

11 and counting...

Some of you asked why this photo appeared on our facebook status.

You might also be asking yourself why the theme song from The Jefferson's is playing as you read this.  Well, if you haven't guessed by the photo and the title of this post '11 and counting...' the McMillan's are moving... again!  Unfortunately I can't say it's anywhere in the US.  But it is one 5 hour flight closer!!  The McMillan's are moving to Brisbane, hence "moving to the east side".  The decision was made a few weeks ago, but we waited until the families were informed before putting it out there for everyone else.  The beautiful skyline photos you see at the start of this post and below will be our newest home!

This will be our 11th move in 8 1/2 years.  As of April 5th of this year, living in Perth is the 2nd longest we have been anywhere.  But alas, the fun in this location must come to an end.  We still haven't ironed out an official date of departure, but it will most likely be at the end of October when we return from our trip to the US.  Will post more details later.

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