Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Final countdown...for this trip at least!

So, we are less than 10 days away from our departure from Perth to the US.  Woo Hoo!!  Aside from being terrified about having a 16 month old trapped on a plane for 15 hours I'm really excited for this home trip. 5 days after we arrive in Pensacola Jamie and I will be leaving for our first adult trip.  We'll be in Clemson, SC with good friends and NO KIDDOS!!!  Scary and exciting all at the same time!  I've got lots of fun stuff planned and can't wait to be able to tell everyone about it.  The secrets are killing me!  Even still, out trip home couldn't be coming at a worse time.

You see, in addition to our upcoming move from Perth to Brisbane, Jamie has also started his MBA.  Now he works 6 days a week, 10-14 hours a day and then adds in additional time for studying, quizzes and homework.  I am basically a single mom for 6 1/2 days out of a 7 day week.  Fun.  Add that to the fact that I've had a sick kiddo lately (while being sick myself) and that I'm trying to organize a cross-county move to a place I've never been and you get one run down Erica most of the time.

Everyone keeps telling us that we're going to love Brisbane.  They say "it's like Perth, but better".  My response to them is usually "yeah, we shall see".  It's not I'm not excited about the move, I've just come to the conclusion that this move will not be like any of the other 10 we've encountered thus far.  I've got Kylie this time.  I'm just not looking forward to all the moving stuff while dealing with an 18 month old.  Finding a place to live has become that much harder as well. 

Before, all Jamie and I thought about was - Is it nice and does it have a yard for the dogs.  Now I have to think - Where are the bedrooms located if it's a 2 storey (which most of them are in Brisbane)?  Where would Kylie's room be?  Is it near the garage?  Is it near the front door?  Not making either of those mistakes again!!  Where would her play room be?  It can't be on a different floor than the kitchen and living area.  Where would Jamie's weight room be?  That can't be on the same floor as the bedrooms if it can't be closed off.  What if Kylie wakes in the night and stumbles into it and hurts herself?  It's really not that far off that she'll be out of her cot.  Does she have a yard to play in? (I guess that's not a new one but still)  Are there good walking spots around and nice parks?  How close are the nearest recreation centers and swim centers?  Are the good schools in our area?  With this new move we can pretty much bet that we'll be in Brisbane when she's old enough for Kindy 3, so that's a valid concern now.  I could go on and on!! Oh, another good one.  What about daycare??  I LOVE the daycare she's at now even though I pay dearly for it.  I never worry about anything and LOVE the girls in the room.  What if I can't find that over there?  I'm pretty much screwed now that we've found the place she's at currently, I'll compare everything to it!

I also worry about Kylie having a childhood home.  I know that she's young and won't remember this stuff now, but I want her to be able to look back at her childhood and say "that's where I grew up" or "that was my home".  I can't say that.  We moved tons while I was growing up.  I can't think on one place that we lived that I would consider being the house I grew up in.  Jamie had that, hell his parents still live in the same house they moved into when he was 7.  I want Kylie to have that, a place to call home.  Not just a home town, which even still wouldn't be the place she grew up because her home town will be in another county!  Okay, I'll stop ranting about the move and move onto more about what we've been up to.

Jamie has been working lots the last few months but we've still managed to get out a do a few things.  I've been able to have a few girls night out's, which has been a life saver!  It's nice to relax and talk about things other than baby every once in a while!  A few Friday's ago we went on a Swan River dinner cruise and even though it was a work function for Jamie it was a good time.  It's something I've wanted to do since we got to Perth so it was nice to be able to check it off the list before we leave.  Jamie also went on his aerial flight of Perth and the coast, which was a gift for Father's day back in June.  Here are a few photos of each.

This was our ride for the night.  Jamie referred to it as 'The Cube'.

Perth skyline

 View of Kings Park from the Swan River

Perth CBD

Fremantle, WA

Rottnest Island, WA (in the distance)

Even though it's winter we've had some really nice weather lately.  I've made it a point to get Kylie out, even if it's just down the road to the river near our place.  Of course, I had to capture every moment on camera!  Here's the cutest video of Kylie chasing a "puppy" at the river! 

Here are some from a few of our outings!

Our favorite spot!

Hanging at the river under the rainbows

Playing in the bush

Kings Park (not really sure what she was doing in the second one!)

She was in love with those birds!

Kylie and her hometown! 
I hope to return with her years from now when she is all grown up and retake this photo! 
Will be interesting to see how much it changes.

That's it for now.  Wish us luck on the trip home, can't wait to tell y'all all about it!!

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