Friday, March 9, 2012

This and that

* This post was actually written last week, but for some reason it didn't post.  Here it is anyway! *

Since nothing big has happened since my last post I thought I'd get a few little things out there.  Here's a few random thoughts and minor happenings going on at the moment.

1.  I recently started IPL treatments.  I've wanted to have it done for a while now and decided that now was as good a time as any.  I've had 2 treatments thus far and have been pretty happy with the results.  The problem with IPL?  It f#%&ing hurts!!  I figured it would be uncomfortable, but seriously?!?  If you've had it done you know what I mean.  If you haven't let me break it down for you.  Imagine lighting a match and then blowing it out.  Take that same match and put it on your skin. Yeah, that's how it feels!  And one more thing, the size of that match is the size of a lego piece!!  Knowing that imagine it all over again!  I guess I should mention that it only hurts that second that it's happening and really only on certain parts of the body.  The good news is that once it's over you feel nothing, which is why I've continued doing it.

2.  While hanging out with our neighbors a few weeks ago I head something that really pisses me off.  We were talking about travelling and I mentioned that one of my regrets is not visiting Cambodia and Vietnam before Kylie was born (since it's really not a place to take young kids).  She then started to tell me about a trip she took last year.  I guess you could say it was a 'mission' trip of sorts but the point of going was to help the prostitutes.  A friend of hers owns a safe house for women and they take them in and help them get on their feet.  They would go out to the slums and find the girls on the streets and then take them to a hotel to feed, clean, de-lice and clothe them.  They would then offer to take them to the safe house but most (almost all) declined.  Usually they would find them back on the streets that same night.  The part that really pissed me off??  The youngest girl they picked up was 4!!!  Yes, I typed that right...she was 4!!!  My first comment was "why didn't you guys take her to the police??".  She then went on to explain to me that one of the conditions of them being able to do what they do is that they aren't allowed to take the girls away unless they agree.  With the child, the parents/guardians would have to agree.  I don't know what specifically went down with this little girl (I was too pissed off to get into the details of it) but I was then told how there have been instances where they've asked parents if they can take the girls away and help them get into schools and such and the parents wanted payment (which they are not allowed to do).  I am still deeply disturbed by this conversation.  It's hard for me to imagine that when some people look at Kylie they see something sexual and not the sweet, innocent little girl that I see but some people are just sick!

3.  Kylie starts daycare in 2 weeks.  While I am happy that I'll have some free time I'm a little sad.  I've gotten used to our routine and having her around.

4.  Next week we go on our very first "Mommy & Kylie" trip.  I am so excited I can't stand it!!  I hope it goes well because it's something that I would like to make a regular thing.  We are heading to Sydney to visit our friends (Michelle and her daughter Matilda-Rose) from Perth.  A month after we moved to Brisbane they moved back to Sydney, so it worked out perfect!  Now we'll get to see each other a few times a year since it's only a 1 hour flight.  GIRLS TRIP, WHOO HOO!

5.  Punkin had her stitches and lens removed today.  Her eye is looking great and she is able to see out of it.  We now have to decide when to get the other eye done.  It shouldn't be as bad as this one but it's still a long recovery.  The plan at this point it to wait a few months and give her some time to be a dog again.  Toward the end of the year we'll discuss it and get it scheduled.

6.  Lately I've been thinking that I wouldn't mind living in Singapore again.  Crazy, I know!  I told Jamie before that I'd like to start thinking about heading back home after Brisbane (we'd like to be back in the US when Kylie starts school) but now I'm not so sure.  I do think that Singapore would be an entirely different experience this time around and we'd enjoy it a whole lot more now that we know the who, what, when, and where's of the place.  I guess only time will tell where we end up next!!

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