Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2 down, a lifetime to go

The past few weeks since my last post have been pandemonium!! Jamie has travelled every week for the last 3 weeks, and during this time we’ve also had our 9th wedding anniversary, Easter and Kylie’s 2nd birthday.

Week 1 Jamie was in Perth. Our anniversary fell on a Thursday this year which just so happens to be one of Kylie’s daycare days. Thankfully, Jamie was able to work his trip around this and get home on the midnight flight on Wednesday so that we could spend Thursday together, kid free! While Kylie was at childcare we exchanged gifts, went shopping and spent the afternoon down at Southbank having lunch and drinks. It was a really relaxing day. That evening we put Kylie to bed and had our neighbor, Tayla, come stay with her while we out to dinner and to watch American Pie Reunion. Dinner was good, the movie was hilarious and we got to spend some much need quality time together. It was a great way to spend the day!

Photos of Southbank.  The view from our table while having drinks.

 The happy couple!  9 years married and still going strong : )

That Sunday was Easter and while Kylie still didn’t ‘get it’ she did notice the basket on the table right away and went directly for the candy. The kid doesn’t really eat anything sweet (because we don’t really give it to her and when we do she doesn’t really care for it) but she would have eaten the entire basket it I would have let her! To keep with tradition Jamie got a basket as well. I was pretty excited about both baskets this year because I was able to find this little candy stall that had loads of American Easter candy. The only thing I wasn’t able to find that I had hoped to were peeps. I don’t really care for them myself, but I think Kylie would have really liked them. Oh well, maybe next year. I’ll give you a moment to admire my awesome baskets!!

Kylie's Basket

Jamie's basket

Some photos of Kylie!

Week 2 Jamie was back in Perth. Easter weekend is a long weekend here in Australia so he stayed in town for Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Well, he actually left on Monday so I guess that doesn’t count. Anyway, back to Perth he went and I got to spend the week getting ready for Kylie’s birthday party all on my own, yay! Friday (her actual birthday) started with chocolate chip pancakes with her age in them and then we went to the shopping center to hang out at Build-a-Bear and have lunch. I wanted to do something special on the actual day since her party wasn’t until Saturday. Jamie came in on the midnight flight again so that he could be here for the party.

Since Jamie and I really aren’t fans of the baked goods over here (they’re just not as sweet as they are back home!) I did all of the baking myself. I tried to get a bit fancy and decorate things to go with our ladybug theme. Some stuff turned out really good, some okay and some not as good as I would have liked! I had a hard time getting the colors to come out as bright/dark as I would have liked and no matter what I tried the result was still the same. I’m convinced it had more to do with the quality of the stuff I was working with (coloring, etc.) than with the baker ; ) Despite how good it did or didn’t look it all tasted really good, which is the most important part anyway. All of our guests seemed to have a good time and Kylie had a blast! I don’t think she fully understood the meaning of the party, but I do think that she realized that everyone was there for her.

It’s so crazy that Jamie and I are parents to a 2 year old!! We’ve had such a great time getting to know this amazing little girl over the last 24 months and couldn’t be more proud of the lil’ lady she’s become. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my lifetime watching her grow! It was a great party and Jamie and I were totally bummed that most of you reading this couldn’t attend. One year (hopefully sooner rather than when she’s a teenager) we’ll be able to make that happen. Until then the photos will have to do!

The Birthday Girl!!

Finishing up at Build-a Bear

The party table

Opening gifts

Hanging out after the party

Other than that there’s not too much going on. It’s week 3 of Jamie’s travelling and he’s currently in Melbourne. Hopefully after this week he won’t have to travel for a while! He’ll be swamped for the next few weeks at work but at least he’ll be home at night. His parents arrive May 7th and in addition to plans around Brisbane we’ve also got a week planned up in Port Douglas visiting the Great Barrier Reef. We haven’t had a vacation since our home trip in September. I desperately need this vacation!!!

One last update and then I’ll call it a night. Kylie is still in daycare and is doing much better! I did end up keeping her out that week due to the fact that in addition to her nasty virus she also had a double ear infection. It was her first one ever and I can honestly say that I am so happy to see it go!! That’s it for now! Hope everyone else had a lovely Easter xx

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