Friday, October 10, 2008

Guess I'm a working girl!

This week I was finally able to put my little white uniforms to work and I must say I looked pretty good in them! (sorry, no pictures j/k) It was a strange, trying week and thank goodness it's over! I knew that the hospital setting would be different in Singapore, but I was no where near as prepared as I needed to be. Even the most common sense, minuscule task are so much different. It's like being in another world. The policies, the procedures, even the scope of practice is way different than anything I am used to. I am constantly being asked questions about how it's done in the US, and I almost feel bad telling them about it because I know they just don't get it. Even with all of the problems our health care system has, I've realized that it's still a great one!

For the month or so that I have been here I can honestly say that I have not really been home sick once, but that all changed once I stepped into the hospital. I miss all of you from the FBC sooo much! I miss Amy's crack-in-a-bag (I mean chocolate bag), Pru's whacked out emails and videos, Kristen's "suck it up and get it done" attitude, Jennifer's never ending appetite, and well...I could write a book listing everyone! (so for those of you that I did not mention please know that I am thinking about you :) Julie, you will be happy to know that I have carried on the "Princess" name, as that is what some of the people over here think of me (I guess I learned from the best right!). I know that I am just going through a period of adjustment and It will take some time to get use to it, but I needed to vent a little. I think we are entitled to that every once in a while.

In the end I love what I do, so I don't think being in another country will change that. In a few weeks I'll probably be on here taking about how much I love it, right? Until then I hope everyone is happy and well!

1 comment:

Rusty and Jennifer said...

We are always saying how brave you are for working there. It is hard enough to go to another hospital in the states, much less in a whole new culture. I bet you have some great stories that we would all love to hear.
People ask about you often and they all say to tell you "Hello."
I gave Karen your blog address, but I don't know if she knows how to comment, so "Hello" from her as well!
Hang in there. It has to get easier, right?