Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jamie's Birthday

This past Saturday Jamie turned the big 2-8!! To celebrate, I surprised him with a day in Sentosa Island. It's a small island near Singapore where the people go to "get away" from the "city life". It has beaches with bars and restaurants as well as some attractions. We took the cable car over from Singapore and once we arrived we visited the Butterfly Park and Fort Siloso, rode on the Tiger Tower, took the sky ride down to the beach and had lunch at a place called the Bikini Bar. We had a blast! Jamie has been so busy lately that it was good to have a full day to relax!

This isn't the best photo in the world, but if you look closely you will see a miracle! Jamie's first gift of the day was his first pair of flip flops. He has always hated flip flops! He didn't even like it when I wore them. Since we've been in Singapore he's begun to change his mind (mainly b/c people do not wear shoes inside their houses around here, there are even some shops that won't even let you wear your shoes so it's easier to have something that slips off) so I decided if I was ever going to get in into a pair I had to do 2 things. 1) Buy them while we were here and 2) Make sure I got a really good pair so they wouldn't look cheap (that's what he's always hated the most about them). So, here they are. If you've never seen a pair of $100 flip flops, here 's what they look like.

On the top is the view coming into Sentosa on the Cable Car. On the right is the view from the Tiger Tower. The big statue in the center of the photo is the Merlion attraction. The Merlion which is popular with Singaporean culture is a fictitious creature that is a lion head with a fish body. The lion head symbolizes the fabled beast that once roamed the ancient island state, and the fish body symbolizes Singapore's origin as a prosperous seaport.

The next photos were taken at the butterfly park. It was amazing how close the butterflies would let you get to them! The last one reminded us of a tiger, so we called it a "Clemson" Butterfly.

This last photo is a self portrait that we took taking the sky ride down to the beach.
For the most part it was a great day. I was a little disappointed that I was unable to get a birthday cake, but that is another story for another day. I will tell you that it ended with an order for a chocolate cake with butter cream icing and when I went to pick it up it was a chocolate sponge cake with no icing. The lady was not happy when I refused to accept it! The rest of his gifts included tickets to the Barclay's Singapore Open (Golf Tournament) held on Sentosa Island in the middle of November and a Bose Portable Speaker System for his IPOD. We had to have someone bring it from the States so it didn't arrive until yesterday.
So Happy Birthday to Jamie, who is now in his LATE 20's but is still denying it!!

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