Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Luck has Returned

With all of the aggravation of the past few weeks (my job, taxi drivers etc) I can finally say that this was a good week. The golf tournament was fun and the weather (while we were out there) was good. I still need to upload the photos but I will post some when I do. The course was really nice and could have had some great views if it were not for all the construction and ships around the island. They sure know how to ruin a good view around here. Lucky for us Saturday was a good day because Sunday was not so good. The sling box decided to crash so Jamie was unable to watch football and was in a bad mood all day. Monday started the work week all over again, and it came and went with no big issues or experiences to brag about. It wasn't until Friday that things began to look up.

Friday afternoon I went down to one of the malls to get some stuff for Jamie when I happened upon some sort of show that was going on. There was a huge crowd, so I decided to hang around and check it out. A few seconds later a woman came around with tickets and asked if I had gotten mine yet. When I stated that I did not need one she told me it was for a drawing to win a prize so I should take it. Accepting her advice, I took my ticket and thanked her. A few minutes later, a man began to call out the ticket numbers. When he called out the first one it was not mine so I began to walk off, that is until he continued to call out more of them. After he called out his fourth set I realized it matched the numbers on my ticket! In all, there were 5 tickets that were drawn and this enabled us to go on to the next phase.

What was the next phase you ask? That was my question as well, seeing as though I arrived 1 minute before all of this began. The five people holding the tickets were called to the front where we were each given a box. On the count we all opened the boxes at the same time to see who had won the prizes which were
1) An all expenses paid trip for 4 to an exclusive beach in the Philippines
2) A pair of 1 1/2 carat diamond earrings
3) A diamond and Pearl necklace

and the last 2 were gift certificates for participating.

I opened my box and quickly did not see anything so I began looking around to see who had won. A girl 2 down from me had trouble opening her box so I figured it was the tickets, and it was (which was the prize I was hoping to get since I already had a pair of earrings). The girl to my left won the necklace so that left one more prize....the earrings. I did not see the last 2 people get excited so I was wondering "Who got the earrings?". That was until the girl to my right began to tap my arm and say "it's there! it's there!". It took a few seconds to comprihend, but after I realized what she was saying I looked down at my box again and there they were! A beautiful, shiny pair of 1 1/2 carat diamond earrings!! And they were mine!! I couldn't believe it! Since it was Friday afternoon everyone I know was working or they had other plans so I was alone, with no one to celebrate with, or take my photo, but when I looked down at the earrings I thought "oh well, they can see them later"! This was officially the biggest thing we've won. I think I was more excited than Jamie but he was excited for me. I think he was excited for a different reason though. He now knows that he does not have to upgrade my earrings for a little while longer!

Saturday wasn't as exciting but Jamie and I did buy a Christmas tree. It was a fake one, but I guess it will have to do. Thursday will now really feel like Thanksgiving, since this is when we usually put our tree up. That night we got another surprise as well. The sling box was fixed so we were able to watch the Clemson game and they won!! Who could ask for a better weekend?

Hopefully this week will be just as good. We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and please think of me as you are doing your Friday morning shopping! One more thing I'm gonna miss out on =(

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