Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! Today I did what most women dread. I made my first solo Thanksgiving meal! Jamie was at a conference all day so I was completely on my own, without anyone to stir the gravy or even help chop an onion. To make matters worse I was attempting to do this in a country that does not celebrate Thanksgiving, so trying to find items such as marshmallows and yams proved to be a task in itself (as did looking for a turkey baster and a meat thermometer). I must say that not only is it stressful, but it's hard work!!

It's not that I've never participated in the making of a Thanksgiving meal, but usually I am a helper of sorts. A simple bystander that participates by chopping, making a pie or a side dish and the cleaning at the end. I have never been responsible for the main part of the meal. You don't realize how much pressure is involved when the entire meal falls on you! Thankfully the meal turned out great (Jamie would agree) and my first "solo" Thanksgiving meal was a success!

We continued our tradition of putting up our tree after dinner. Had you asked me last year I would have told you that I would never own a fake tree. It's one of the first things that come to mind when I think of Christmas. I LOVE picking out a Christmas tree. It's one of my most favorite things to do. I love the smell, the way it looks, and well, everything about it. To me the bigger the tree the better and every year I've been able to talk Jamie into getting a bigger tree than the year before.

This year we took a step backward and went for the 6 foot fake tree. I am a little disappointed that we don't have a real one but after careful consideration it was the best thing to do. Since we live on the 25th floor it would have been a pain to get it in and out of the service lift. Then there was the matter of not only getting it here, but finding somewhere to take it when we were done with it. Not to mention that you have to order your real one in advance and they are pretty expensive because they have to be shipped in. I could pick out any tree I could ever want back home and still not meet the cost of a real tree over here. So, we went with the more practical fake tree that can be used for the next couple years.
I hope this day finds you well and everyone is enjoying time with family and friends. I know for some of you the news of this past week is fresh on your minds and difficult to cope with. I first found out that there was bad news through a friends blog, but did not specifically know it was Leslie until I received an email. She was the doctor for the first patient I had on my own and when she realized I was finally by myself she was excited for me and kept telling me "don't worry this will be a good one, you'll do great". She was a respected physician and a wonderful coworker. My thoughts and prayers are with her husband and two beautiful babies as well as all of you who are affected by her loss.
Below I have attached some photos of the Singapore Open as well as a few from today. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that it is time well spent with loved ones. Enjoy your time while you can, you never know what the future has in store.
Jamie took these on Friday before I came out. The second photo is Phil (in the red) on the 1st green with the tee box for number 2 behind them (on top of the waterfall).

Jamie and I in front of the 9th green

Ernie Els in green (he was one of the leaders at this time) and Phi walking up to tee box (right after we took this photo I was told by Phil's caddie that I may want to put my camera up because they had been taking them away all weekend. Turns out that when they were finishing up round two that morning someone had taken a photo of him while he was in mid swing and it messed his shot up, so, he was not happy about the cameras being out at the tee boxes and his caddie was telling everyone to put them away).

My Thanksgiving table! As you can see I was exhausted! I look terrible! I spent all day making pies, stuffing and everything else that I forgot to go and pick up a center piece until it was too late! Oh well, maybe next year I can work on making it pretty!

Our little Tree! Not exactly my tree back home, but I didn't pack any Christmas stuff so I had to buy all new ornaments as well. It needs more lights, but since the light strands here do not connect at the ends I don't have enough plugs to put them all on there. So even though I bought five (and I wasn't sure that would be enough), three boxes will have to do until I come up with a plan for next year. (For whatever reason around here they usually don't put more than one plug outlet on a wall. We already have a multi plug in this outlet for the TV stuff so I didn't have much room to plug in lights) Who makes lights for Christmas trees that you can't plug the ends into each other??

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