Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weekend of Fun

This past weekend Jamie had a colleague from work in Singapore so we decided to show him around. They had a long week working on a big job so they were ready to "let loose" by Friday. I made reservations at what I thought was going to be this really cool ice bar. I got so excited when I called about it and they told me I would have to make a reservation to get in. I thought "Wow, if I have to make reservations this place must be really good". We know of a bar in Japan (In Tokyo I believe) that a friend went to during a short stay there that is completely made of ice. They even have suits you have to put on. His photos were so cool ( I wish I still had his web page to show you) and the concept was really neat. Since then Jamie and I have thought that it would be cool to find something like that. When I found this place in Singapore called "The Eski Bar" the photos showed the girls in these thick winter coats with fur around the heads and the ice wall in the back, so I thought "yeah, this must be like the other place we've heard about".

When we got there it wasn't even close. They did have one wall of ice as well as a small bar made of ice but that was about it. That room was called "the freezer bar" and it was the size of my closet in Houston. From there you went into another room that was the main bar area. It was cold in there, but not "sub zero" temperature like they implied. There were regular tables and chairs with boring, regular ole walls. I was very disappointed :( Not that it wasn't a neat place to see, but I had built it up in my head so much, that anything less than ice chairs and tables with glasses made of ice was just wasn't going to cut it! I did it to myself! So we stayed there, had a few drinks and a funky meat dip, then went to Clarke Quay (you may remember the name from another posting). (Below are some photos from Eski Bar. The last one of Jamie is in front of the ice wall)

Clark Quay (pronounced "key") is neat because it has lots of upscale restaurants and bars that are all themed. We started off at Clinic, which has wheel chairs and small hospital beds for chairs. They even have a signature drink that is served in an IV bag. From there, Jamie and Matt decided they were feeling a little adventurous and decided to try the extreme bungee as well as the bungee swing. (These photos were taken at Clinic)

Watching the two of them was freaking hilarious!! Matt thought he was going to die and Jamie was just along for the ride. I tried to take photos but of course my camera decided to die as they were going up the in swing. I got a few but since I knew I had limited time they were a little rushed and not as good as they could have been. On the first ride there was a camera in the cage with them so you could watch their reactions as it was going on. They were soo funny! Looking back I wish we would have purchased the DVD so that I could have uploaded it here for you all to see. Maybe next time! (These photos are from the first bungee ride. They lean you back, like in the second photo, and shoot you straight up. From there you turn as you are bouncing up and down)

After the excitement was over they were both ready for more drinks (after all they had a brush with death!!) so we ended the night at a place called The Crazy Elephant. What makes this place fun are the TV screens that have jokes on them. They are not PG so I will not include any of them on here.
The rest of the weekend was spent re-cooperating from Friday night. Today was the start of the Barclay's Singapore Open (the tickets I got Jamie for his birthday) so our weekend plans have already been made! I'll be sure to post some photos after our weekend of golf and relaxation!

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