Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another Christmas gone

The week before Christmas was a hectic one. Punkin got really sick last weekend so I spent Sunday afternoon in the vet's office trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Turns out she got amoebic dysentery! She was on two different medications as well as Pepto when needed. Budder was also put back on her back medication because she started having really bad back spasms. Once on that medication she was eating and drinking everything in site! I just knew that with our luck one of them would end up at the vet's office again for Christmas, but lucky for us they are both doing much better.

Even though we had to spend Christmas away from family it was a good one. I got Jamie lots of fun gifts (some of which still have not arrived, but it's the thought...right?) and I think he really liked all of them. His big gift was a new Tag Heuer watch. Recently, he has mentioned getting a new one (Jamie likes watches like I like purses) but failed to point any out that he would like. I didn't want to ask for his opinion on any because I feared that he would know I was planning to get one. So I was on my own, and I was nervous about picking one out for him. The moment I found this one I knew it was the one I had to get.

I was a little nervous about it after the fact, because he has stated numerous times that he does not particularly care for Tag Heuer watches. His reason is because he thinks they look too "sporty", but I thought that this one was very classic and decided to take a chance. In the end, he loved it for the same reason I did (the brown dial) so it worked out well. His other gifts included a motorized tie rack, gym ball, some books, a few shirts, and the other stuff I can't mention yet.

My gifts were awesome as well. I got this years M&M dispenser, two other M&M collectables, a beautiful inlaid wood photo album from Sorrento, some gift cards, a wallet, a necklace, and the best gift of all....... a new camera!!

Oh, I also got two purses about a month ago that were for Christmas as well but lets get back to my camera!

It's great! It takes the most amazing shots, like you are looking right at it! Jamie took some really good photos while I was playing with the girls and their new gifts and they came out so good. We also went back down to Orchard Rd Christmas night and re-shot some of the lights.

Saturday we went to the Botanic Gardens and tried the camera out there. It's unbelievable how much better the photos are with this camera. I can't wait to "really" learn how to use it. Right now we are "accidentally" taking good photos!

We have been talking about getting a really good camera for a while but I was not expecting to get one this soon. It was the best gift!

I've got lots of photos to post, but our computer has decided to be a piece of crap and not install the disk. We ordered a new one this weekend so by the time it gets here I'll have a whole album for you to see!

Most of you realize that tomorrow is New Years Eve, but it is also Budders 7th birthday. After lots of searching I was able to find someone who does dog birthday cakes so I can't wait to see what it looks like. I'm sure I'll have lots of photos from that as well.

We have plans to meet some friends at Clarke Quay for dinner and drinks to ring in the New Year. I'm sure I'll have lots to post this weekend!

We hope everyone had a great Christmas and was able to spend lots of time with friends and family.

Have a safe and happy New Year, and we'll post again in 2009!!

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