Thursday, December 18, 2008

Are You Serious??

Since Jamie and I are lucky enough to spend Christmas in Singapore by ourselves this year the mail route between Singapore and the US has been busy. We mailed out a big package, Jamie's parents mailed out a big package as well as a few small ones for me, and my mom mailed a big package as well. About three weeks have went by and only 1 package has managed to make it to it's destination. No one seems to know anything, and oh, in case you didn't know, scanning a package at each check point is optional for the post office. So even though they offer track and confirm they decide if you actually get to use it!

I sent out my package first and it arrived in the US (San Francisco to be exact) at 7:37 am on Dec 9th. Somehow, it still has not made it to customs for clearance. It's status reads "Inbound into Customs". So, yesterday I called the post office in the US. I was told that customs can hold my package for as long as they like. Why you ask, because they are customs and they got it like that, but I should receive a letter in 30-45 days IF there is a problem with it. Then I was hung up on, TWICE! Simply because I tried to ask a question. No, Really! Jamie was right beside me and will back me up that I did not get an attitude, not once!

The second person I spoke with gave me the info, and when I tried to ask if there was a number for customs that I could call I got out "Is there a " and he started in again. "Ma'am, I've already told you once, but I will paraphrase it for you again" and went on. When I tried to ask my question a second time he hung up on me. After I decided that was going nowhere I decide to call customs. I was then told by the customs agent that a status of "Inbound" means that it has not arrived at customs yet, and that it can take 3-5 days for the post office to transfer a package to them. They received it on the 9th, it is now the 18th, and they are at the same location. He then said "well, it's Christmas, I guess there's a lot of mail".

No, Really?!

So what I got out of all this is that the post office says that customs has my package, customs says that the post office never dropped it off, and all I really know for sure is that none of my families gifts or Christmas cards are going to get there on time. Great!

Next dilemma, Jamie's mom sent 2 packages out on the same date. One arrived yesterday (Thank god cause it was Jamie's big gift from me!!!), and the other was never scanned out of the post office it was dropped off at. 13 days later no one knows where my package is because it was not scanned, because scanning is optional!

I'm trying to look on the bright side, but it's hard to do when it's monsoon season, Budders' back has been bothering her, and I lost another strand of lights on my Christmas tree. So now I'm down to one, and, it's the row at the bottom of the tree that you can hardly see.

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope your holidays are as fun filled as mine!

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