Friday, January 30, 2009

Chinese New Year

Jamie and I kicked off our Chinese New Year by heading down to Chinatown for dinner and drinks with some friends. We thought with the long weekend it would either be really crowded, or really dead. It was crowded! When we finished dinner and walked over to the main area you could hardly walk up and down the streets. There were so many people and so many stalls set up it was almost overwhelming. Here are some of the photos we took while in Chinatown.

(Funny signs, the first is telling people to stay out.)

(Lights on side streets, Chinatown)

(Street we had dinner on, funny to see a building like this, and have modern high rises in the background)

Saturday we decided to head out to the Jurong Bird Park. We spent the afternoon out there and had a good time. They even had an area set up that you could go into and the birds were flying around freely. One of them almost flew into my leg! I almost fell trying to avoid it! The only disappointing part was that we thought the penguin exhibit would be a little more open. Instead you just got to look at them though glass. We were able to get lots of photos, here are a few of our favorites!

(First we got one of this little guy, then his friends decided they wanted to be part of the photo as well)

(those are flamingos behind Jamie)

Sunday was the day I had been waiting for!!! I had been waiting to hit TGI Fridays for over a week and couldn't hardly contain myself any longer! The ride up to JB (Johor Bahru , Malaysia) seemed to take FOR- EVER!! We took a taxi up there, and in all it took an hour and a half to get there! If should have been like a 20 minute drive, but there was lots of traffic. In the end, that hour and a half was all worth it when I looked out of the car and saw that little red and white sign!

When I told Jamie about this place he only asked me two questions.
1) Do they have a regular menu?
2) Do they have the nachos?

I told him yes, to both, but when we got there I discovered I was partially wrong about one. They did have nachos, but they were not like the ones in the US. They were chicken fajita nachos....which clearly are not the same thing! Jamie was aggravated and I thought "this is not a good way to start off the meal". To make matters worse, they were out of french onion soup as well. They told him that they could replace it with cream of mushroom, and I swear I almost saw a tear! (In Singapore everywhere you go has cream of mushroom, it's like they think that's the only soup westerners eat!) They did have the pasta dish that he usually orders, so all hope was not lost yet. After the food and drinks arrived things were much better. The food was AMAZING, and my ultimate mudslide was AWESOME!! Not to mention, after food, drinks, tax and tip, we ate there for only $27 USD!!! We couldn't believe it! None of the restaurants we eat at in Singapore are even close to that cheap, not to mention as good! We left full and happy, what more could you ask for?

When I was planning the trip up there everything I read talked about how bad the crime was. (Read this article) Other things talked about how "women should not walk through a group of men and disturb them" and "gangs of men hang out at shopping centers and harass foreign women and you should just keep walking and ignore them". It was really weird! Even though the atmosphere is a lot different than being in Singapore we didn't find it as bad as everything said it would be. After reading all of this we didn't think there would be too much to see and we missed a few things that may have been interesting. So, we are planning to go back another time to do some sight seeing. We were able to take a few photos, but after being scared that I was going to be robbed if I took my camera out I didn't take too many.

(Fountain near downtown area, main street, Hindu temple in downtown)

At the end of the day we took a bus back (the only way we could find to get back into Singapore since we didn't have our own car). It ended up being a pretty good ride, so I can't complain. Who would have guessed I would be able to knock 2 items off my "I've never" list! Never been to Malaysia - check, and never been on a public transportation bus - check! We even got another surprise when we got to the bus station! They have a Dunkin' Doughnuts!! Not as good as a Krispy Kreme, but it will do!

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