Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Punkins Update

This week Punkin had her 6 month post-op check up. She was due for another bile acids test, and had to stay at the vet for the afternoon to get it done. I was not happy about leaving her, but evidently not as unhappy as she was!

For a bile acids test they have to take 2 blood samples. The first one is a fasting sample and the second one is taken two hours after eating. I tried to explain to them that I would need a morning appointment because of the eating issue, but in the end the only appointment I could get was for 11:00 in the morning.

For the first test she was so upset about being there that she wouldn't even look at them! She simply turned away from them and put her head under my arm while whining! She did great, but it made me feel even worse that I had to leave her! After that they were suppose to feed her and then redo the test two hours later. I was told she would be ready for pick-up at 2:00. However, I received a phone call at 1:30 stating that they had not been able to get her to eat anything until then so I couldn't pick her up until 4:00! For her not to eat, she must have been really upset!

She was so excited when I picked her up that she barked as loud as she could when they brought her to me. She then continued to bark and whine at me until the taxi arrived! When we got home she attacked Jamie with kisses, but I still got the cold shoulder. She really knows how to hold a grudge! Her results were not as good as last time, but much better than they were before her surgery. Her fasting level was a 5 (suppose to be less than 5) but after eating her level was a little elevated. Her number was 30+ and it should be less than 15. Last time, her fasting level was elevated and her post was low. Either way, it is a drastic improvement! I'll take these numbers any day!

I have included some photos of Punkin taken when we got her home after her surgery as well as some current ones. She has healed up so well, her scar is barely noticeable! Dr. Hottinger did such a wonderful job! We can't thank her enough! I almost can't even stand to look at her surgery photos, because I hate to remember her like that! In the end everything worked out and Punkin is doing great (except when she goes for a check-up)! She is back to her old self, just as hyper and moody as ever!

These were taken her first day home after surgery (Aug 23rd, 2008)

Punkin and Budders first day home from quarantine (Sept 14th, 2008)

Hanging out around the house, doing what she does best!

Punkin today! Her scar looks amazing! You can hardly tell it's even there!

Just had to post another one of Budder, it was just too cute to leave out!!

Other than that not too much going on around here. This year we've got a lot of travelling planned. I've been busy getting things kicked off and ready to go, since our first 2 trips are coming up in the next few months.

In two weeks Jamie is heading over to Perth, Australia for work. I will be meeting him over there and the plan is to spend a long weekend exploring the area. It's one of the places on our list so we figured now is as good a time as any!

In April, Jamie and I will have our 6th wedding anniversary. To celebrate we decided to take a trip to Thailand. We will be going to Krabi and have a reservation at this absolutely gorgeous resort over there (it's the featured resort on the link)! I can't wait!

Besides those 2 trips we have a visit from Jamie's parents in May (we're planning on taking them somewhere as well) and trips back to the US in Aug and Dec. Those are just the planned trips! We've got a busy year ahead, but hopefully it will be full of fun and excitement!

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