Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Weekend

For those of you who know Jamie, I probably don't have to tell you how much he dislikes Valentines Day. Every year I go out of my way to try and make it special, but I have not been successful in changing his opinion. To be fair to him, he usually does get me a card or flowers, but never goes "all out". He feels that he should not have to show me he loves me and buy gifts "just because someone else calls it a holiday". He would rather do those things (the flowers, candy etc..) on a day of his choice to surprise me. I understand his thinking, but that does not change the fact that to me it's still a day to celebrate LOVE and do the little things that make it special.

Being in Singapore this year made it a little bit harder to do. I was unable to find the "Valentines Day" candy in the nice red and pink wrappers that I usually get. Pair that with the fact that I would rather buy most things back home because it's just cheaper and that gives you a pretty bad selection of gifts. Not to mention, that I still have not found a decent bakery so that meant a cake was out as well. After seeing a "Do it yourself" cake shop, I decided to try and make my very own cookie cake. I found a heart shaped pan and some icing tips and decided this would be my project. I stayed up till 2am Saturday morning making it after he went to bed. It was pretty easy to make, and for my first time I was pretty happy with it!

When I woke up the next morning there was a card for me, along with a chocolate chip cookie cut into a small heart beside the one I gave him. It was a nice gesture and I was happy that he had even remembered to get me a card.

After lunch we headed out to the Singapore Zoo. Jamie and I both have been to several zoo's around the US, but found this one to be very unique. It is similar to the night safari in the fact that for most of the exhibits there are no fences or cages. They have taken on what they call an "open concept" and because of this you are able to get pretty close to the animals. Not to mention all the free range monkey's they have running around. At one time we were walking down a trail and there were monkey's climbing in the trees above us! It really is a nice zoo and worth a visit no matter how many you've been to in the past.

A mom and her baby!

This little guy was the one climbing over us!

On the other side of the bushes there is a small barrier to keep the animals in, that's it!

Some funny signs from the zoo

On Sunday we met up with our friends Simone and Adrian at east coast park. They have this thing called "Ski 360" that we had heard about and Jamie was up for trying. Basically, it's water skiing or wakeboarding with a cable pulling you around instead of a boat. It looks like loads of fun! I was too chicken to try (as was Simone), so we hung out at the bar watching the 2 of them have at it! You pay in hour increments and up to 8 people are on the waterway at one time. When it's your turn the cable pulls you and off you go. If you fall off you have to swim to the side and get back in line. If you are good (or lucky) enough to not fall off you go around a few times and then get back in line to do it again. They had people of every age group out there doing it, male and female. Adrian has tried it once before but said he didn't have much luck. Jamie has never done any type of water skiing, so we figured it wasn't going to be pretty! It looks so easy when you see these other people out there, but according to the two of them it's not as easy as it looks!!

View of the ski park

Suited up and ready to go!

He's off to a great start!

Can he hold it?


Some may think this is the look of defeat...

But he's at it again!

Different angle...

Same ending!

When it was all said and done we all had a blast! Adrian eventually made it to the first corner, but Jamie never made it past the first ramp. They were exhausted from all the swimming, and I was exhausted from watching them! After seeing all my photos, Jamie thinks he's figured out his problem. I was told that the next time we go out he'll make it around! I'm excited to try it myself, but think I'll go during the week when it's not so busy!

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