Sunday, July 26, 2009

Almost time!!

We found out last weekend that Jamie needed to leave for the states early. Instead of leaving Thursday night he moved his flight up to Tuesday. I had a choice of moving mine up as well, or keeping it on Thursday. Some of you may know that I REALLY hate flying, and I didn't want to make the trip alone, so in the end I changed my ticket as well.

NOW I AM SICK!! I woke up Saturday morning around 4 am and felt like I was going to DIE!! It's now Sunday evening, and I am not feeling any better. The lowest my temp has come down to is 99.1, and now I am afraid they won't let me fly if I am not better by Tuesday.

The feeling of death comes and goes, but for the most part I feel just awful! I've taken every medicine I can get my hands on and nothing seems to really be doing the trick. Advil gets my temp down, but does nothing for my chest and head. Tylenol cold and sinus works on the chest, but not my temp and head. DayQuil does nothing! NyQuil works well but I would like to be somewhat alert throughout the day.

I just have to hope they are not doing temp checks at the airports anymore, or I may be spending my holiday in quarantine!

Wish I was more excited about saying we only have 2 more days to go, but right now I really need a few extra days!

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