Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summary of our trip back home

It's our first weekend back in Singapore, and I am back with my girls! Our entire trip was great! The weather was perfect, and the weddings were beautiful! We had such a good time catching up with family and friends, my only regret is that we didn't have more time in each place (oh, and not remembering the camera in Houston until our last day! Oops!).

We started off our trip in Houston, Texas. Jamie had some work to do while he was there, but we still made time to shop, eat (of course!), and meet up with friends. If was great to see everyone, and hear about how everyone is doing.

Myself and Pru & Jamie and I with Mama Ruth (Jamie's grandmother)

From Houston, we flew to Florida to hang out with family. My sister, Crystal, also got married on Aug 8th. The wedding turned out beautiful, as did she! Here are a few photos from the wedding and the rest of our week in good ole Pensacola.

Crystal and Jonathan's first dance & My brothers Richard and Daniel, Uncle Larry and Jamie

Myself with Daniel and Richard & Jamie and I

Pensacola Beach & Jamie and his parents

After a week of fun with the folks, we flew up to Connecticut for wedding of our friends Mike and Nicole. I know Jamie had a great time catching up with friends from college, and it was great to be there to share their special day! We had a great time!!

Nicole, Mike and Daughter Myra day before the wedding, and during it

Jamie, Michele (Matt's wife) and Matt & the boys (Matt, Mike and Jamie)

Our little group (the Studney's, the new Burkhart's, and the McMillan's)

While we're sad to be away again we've got a lot going on here in the next few weeks. For those of you that haven't heard, Jamie and I will be moving to Perth, Australia next month. We are really excited, and can't wait to have all the moving stuff behind us. The dogs will have to go into quarantine again, but this time when they come out they'll have a house with a yard to come home to! We'll be changing the name of the blog soon to fit our new location.

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