Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My husband, Mr. Fixit

Things around the McMillan household have surprisingly been going pretty smoothly. The rabies antibody test results arrived last Thursday and everything was good. Jamie got the paperwork filled out by the government vet in Singapore Thursday afternoon and had everything sent off to Australia on Friday morning. Monday was a holiday for us, but not Australia, so we received out last approval on Monday afternoon!! Whoo Hoo, Australia here we come, finally!!

As of now everything is in order. The girls flights have been booked and confirmed. Quarantine space booked and confirmed, and we're down to our last vet appointment before they go (which will be on Tuesday). We had a very relaxing weekend and by Monday night I thought it would be smooth sailing until we left.

I must have forgotten that usually when I run into a streak were everything is going well something bad usually happens to knock me back down. A few weeks ago Jamie's mom was telling me that she discovered a new way to clean our diamond jewelry. She heard somewhere that if you soak them in straight vodka it would do the trick. She tried it and it worked, so I thought I would try it out too.

Monday morning I filled up a small glass with absolute vodka and and began to soak most of my diamonds in it. I had my wedding set of course, three sets of diamond stud earrings (1.5 ct total, 1 ct total, and .5 ct total) as well as my 3 stone necklace. That night before bed Jamie said "don't you think you should get these out of the vodka now?". My reply was " I was going to do it in the morning". I should have listened to myself and done it in the morning!

Since he had brought it up I thought "I should just go ahead and do it". So... I took the glass into the bathroom and filled the sink up with hot water. I made sure the stopper was in and locked, and poured the glass of vodka and jewelry into the sink. The water was off at this point, and I was going to start rinsing the pieces off in the water. At the exact moment I put both of my hands in there the stopper popped up and everything started going down the drain!!

I must have let out a scream or something, I don't really remember. But the next thing I knew Jamie was in the bathroom asking me what was going on. He must have seen my fingers down the drain and the horror on my face cause the first thing he said after that was "what were you thinking?". We took out of the sink what I was able to save and the whole time I was getting a lecture on why you don't put your jewelry in the sink. It was at that moment I noticed my wedding band was gone and I started to cry. He asked what I was missing so I began the task of telling him. My wedding band, and 2 studs - one from the 1.5ct set and one from the .5ct set. I could care less about the earrings, but the wedding band I was devastated over. Not only was it my original, but the only way it could be replaced would be to have one custom made, as they don't make my set anymore and the place we bought it was now closed! It would never be the same!

Of course, I start to cry harder as it sets in and this makes Jamie feel bad! He stopped the lecture (as if I didn't feel bad enough without it) and started looking for tools to get into the drain. Some of you may think that this really shouldn't be an issue. It's a pretty simple task, assuming you have a safety catch that everything goes into if it happens to go down the drain. But, you have to realize we are in Singapore and nothing over here is as easy as it seems.

First, you can't see our pipes by looking under the sink. The sink is encased in a marble cabinet that is closed on all sides. There are four screws in the front panel, so we thought it would be pretty easy to get it off and see what was behind it. After we got the screws off we started to wonder why it wasn't falling off. Well, the reason - it was sealed on with grout!! Who does that? We started looking around and found a small hole where the cabinet meets the counter that you could see in, if you stuck your head in there. Jamie had to stick his arm in there and blindly figure out how to take the pipes apart, with one hand. There was no way to turn the water off (that we could find anyway), so we didn't really know what was going to happen once he got them apart.

Eventually, he got the pipes off and luckily it did have a safety catch. We were able to recover all of the pieces of my missing jewelry, including the wedding band. I was so excited I started to cry again.

Morel of the story, I will never take my jewelry into the bathroom again... unless I am wearing it!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

New travel plans

So, today was suppose to be the day that we put the girls on a plane for Australia. As most of you know, that didn't really pan out.

Until last Friday I thought things were once again moving along. We organized all of the new stuff that needed to be done and just when I thought things were going well I called the quarantine in Perth to set up the new date and I was informed that within the last week they had become completely booked until the 19th of October! I gave the very sweet and understanding lady my sob story and she squeezed them into a spot for Oct 8th instead. This was not ideal but would have been okay until we phoned the import people in Australia and they informed us that they would only extend the blood work up to 45 days (instead of the original 30). This meant we HAD to get them out of Singapore by the 5th of Oct, or they would have to go through having the bloods done...again! It took 4 trys to get blood from Punkin last time!

So once again the quarantine was called. Jamie gave them our story once again and managed to get us in on the 1st. (Sigh of relief!) Now that everything is somewhat settled we are basically in limbo waiting on paperwork to be approved and/or arrive.

As of now the girls are scheduled to leave on Oct 1st at 2:20 in the afternoon. The movers will be here to pack up starting that morning and will be finished the afternoon of the 2nd. Jamie and I will fly out on the 5th, so we can tie up any loose ends if needed before we head out. I hate that we won't be travelling with the girls, but since the quarantine rules are a little more strict, and I wouldn't be able to check on them at the airport anyway there really is no need for me to go. I can tell you it will be a long day after they're off, as I won't stop worrying until I know they've landed safely!

My last day of work is Thursday and after that I'll start getting things ready around here. Hopefully there will be no more delays and we'll be in Perth in a few weeks!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


After speaking with a few more people in Australia yesterday we've got a plan.

I can fly the girls thru Malaysia and still do a 30 day quarantine if...

They have a rabies vaccination done within six months of export
They have a rabies antibody test done within six months of export and the results show they have sufficient antibodies
I apply for an extension for the original blood work to be good for 45 days instead of 30, and it gets approved
I apply for another certificate explaining why they have to fly that way and it is approved to be an acceptable reason

We have a lot of things in the air right now, but at least there's a chance. I had to leave work yesterday to take the girls back to the vet for their vaccination and blood test. The problem with the blood test is that Singapore does not perform the test here, so they wanted to send it to the UK where it would have taken 4 weeks. Instead, I contacted the lab in Australia and they have agreed to do the test there. There it is suppose to take only 2-3 weeks.

If one thing gets delayed or does not get approved, we basically have to start over. I believe we have good reason to get the approvals we need from Australia, but if the testing takes longer than planned the extension to 45 days will not matter. We will then have to redo the original test anyway and those test will take an additional 2 weeks to get the results.

At this point we are just happy to have "an option". We will keep everyone updated on the progress, and hopefully the continuation of our move!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Here we go again....

As if I didn't have enough going on already, we hit a major snag in the McMillan move to Perth.

Here's a little background....

In order for the dogs to have approval to go to Perth there are steps you must take, in a specific order and time line. One of the things I had to take care of was getting some blood tests and vaccinations.

The blood tests must be drawn with in 30 days of export.

The vaccinations must be given between 1 year and no less than 14 days prior to export.

There were 5 blood tests, and 3 vaccinations that had to be done for each dog. The total cost was $1128.00.

These things were performed on the 21st of Aug with the thought that they would fly out on the 14th of September. That still gave me an extra 4 days (because they can not fly out on the weekend) in case anything happened, like the flights being full (yes, it happens for dogs too!)

I have had SEVERAL conversations with Qantas Airlines regarding the girls flying with them to Perth. During the conversation I had with them last week I was told that everything was okay but I could not make the reservation until 14 days before the flight, no earlier.

So, it's now this week. I have the import permits to get them into Perth. I have the export permit to get them out of Singapore. All of the lab work has come back clear. With everything seemingly lining up, I sent the information out yesterday to make the flight booking.

I was informed at 4 pm yesterday afternoon that they will not take Budder, as she is a restricted breed because she is a short nose dog.


Just when things were getting done, this comes up! Every conversation I have had with them I have told them what type of dogs I have. They have never told me it was a problem. I have called every airline that flies from Singapore to Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne and no one will take her. Jamie has called every pet moving company in Singapore and beyond and no one will help us. I've gotten her over to Singapore and now I can't freaking get her out, you've got to be kidding me!

At the end of today I FINALLY got some reassuring news. Malaysian airlines has told me that they will take her if I follow some extra conditions, which I am happy to do. The problem comes with the fact that they do not fly direct to Perth. They will have to go thru Malaysia which is not the same category county as Singapore according to Australian customs standards.

As a category 2 country there is a 30 day quarantine period for them when they arrive in Perth.

Malaysia is a category 4, which means a 180 day quarantine. Not good! I have been informed by the Perth quarantine that in some cases a special certificate may be issued but it's not a guarantee.

At this point we are waiting. Waiting to make sure that Malaysia Airlines does not change their minds before our reservations are confimed, and waiting to see if we can get the special approval to fly them thru Malaysia. If one of these two things do not occur, our move to Perth may be no more.

Hopefully this will get sorted out, but I don't have too much confidence right now. Singapore is determined to make me stay here, even when I am desperately ready to leave!!