Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My husband, Mr. Fixit

Things around the McMillan household have surprisingly been going pretty smoothly. The rabies antibody test results arrived last Thursday and everything was good. Jamie got the paperwork filled out by the government vet in Singapore Thursday afternoon and had everything sent off to Australia on Friday morning. Monday was a holiday for us, but not Australia, so we received out last approval on Monday afternoon!! Whoo Hoo, Australia here we come, finally!!

As of now everything is in order. The girls flights have been booked and confirmed. Quarantine space booked and confirmed, and we're down to our last vet appointment before they go (which will be on Tuesday). We had a very relaxing weekend and by Monday night I thought it would be smooth sailing until we left.

I must have forgotten that usually when I run into a streak were everything is going well something bad usually happens to knock me back down. A few weeks ago Jamie's mom was telling me that she discovered a new way to clean our diamond jewelry. She heard somewhere that if you soak them in straight vodka it would do the trick. She tried it and it worked, so I thought I would try it out too.

Monday morning I filled up a small glass with absolute vodka and and began to soak most of my diamonds in it. I had my wedding set of course, three sets of diamond stud earrings (1.5 ct total, 1 ct total, and .5 ct total) as well as my 3 stone necklace. That night before bed Jamie said "don't you think you should get these out of the vodka now?". My reply was " I was going to do it in the morning". I should have listened to myself and done it in the morning!

Since he had brought it up I thought "I should just go ahead and do it". So... I took the glass into the bathroom and filled the sink up with hot water. I made sure the stopper was in and locked, and poured the glass of vodka and jewelry into the sink. The water was off at this point, and I was going to start rinsing the pieces off in the water. At the exact moment I put both of my hands in there the stopper popped up and everything started going down the drain!!

I must have let out a scream or something, I don't really remember. But the next thing I knew Jamie was in the bathroom asking me what was going on. He must have seen my fingers down the drain and the horror on my face cause the first thing he said after that was "what were you thinking?". We took out of the sink what I was able to save and the whole time I was getting a lecture on why you don't put your jewelry in the sink. It was at that moment I noticed my wedding band was gone and I started to cry. He asked what I was missing so I began the task of telling him. My wedding band, and 2 studs - one from the 1.5ct set and one from the .5ct set. I could care less about the earrings, but the wedding band I was devastated over. Not only was it my original, but the only way it could be replaced would be to have one custom made, as they don't make my set anymore and the place we bought it was now closed! It would never be the same!

Of course, I start to cry harder as it sets in and this makes Jamie feel bad! He stopped the lecture (as if I didn't feel bad enough without it) and started looking for tools to get into the drain. Some of you may think that this really shouldn't be an issue. It's a pretty simple task, assuming you have a safety catch that everything goes into if it happens to go down the drain. But, you have to realize we are in Singapore and nothing over here is as easy as it seems.

First, you can't see our pipes by looking under the sink. The sink is encased in a marble cabinet that is closed on all sides. There are four screws in the front panel, so we thought it would be pretty easy to get it off and see what was behind it. After we got the screws off we started to wonder why it wasn't falling off. Well, the reason - it was sealed on with grout!! Who does that? We started looking around and found a small hole where the cabinet meets the counter that you could see in, if you stuck your head in there. Jamie had to stick his arm in there and blindly figure out how to take the pipes apart, with one hand. There was no way to turn the water off (that we could find anyway), so we didn't really know what was going to happen once he got them apart.

Eventually, he got the pipes off and luckily it did have a safety catch. We were able to recover all of the pieces of my missing jewelry, including the wedding band. I was so excited I started to cry again.

Morel of the story, I will never take my jewelry into the bathroom again... unless I am wearing it!!

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