Monday, September 14, 2009

New travel plans

So, today was suppose to be the day that we put the girls on a plane for Australia. As most of you know, that didn't really pan out.

Until last Friday I thought things were once again moving along. We organized all of the new stuff that needed to be done and just when I thought things were going well I called the quarantine in Perth to set up the new date and I was informed that within the last week they had become completely booked until the 19th of October! I gave the very sweet and understanding lady my sob story and she squeezed them into a spot for Oct 8th instead. This was not ideal but would have been okay until we phoned the import people in Australia and they informed us that they would only extend the blood work up to 45 days (instead of the original 30). This meant we HAD to get them out of Singapore by the 5th of Oct, or they would have to go through having the bloods done...again! It took 4 trys to get blood from Punkin last time!

So once again the quarantine was called. Jamie gave them our story once again and managed to get us in on the 1st. (Sigh of relief!) Now that everything is somewhat settled we are basically in limbo waiting on paperwork to be approved and/or arrive.

As of now the girls are scheduled to leave on Oct 1st at 2:20 in the afternoon. The movers will be here to pack up starting that morning and will be finished the afternoon of the 2nd. Jamie and I will fly out on the 5th, so we can tie up any loose ends if needed before we head out. I hate that we won't be travelling with the girls, but since the quarantine rules are a little more strict, and I wouldn't be able to check on them at the airport anyway there really is no need for me to go. I can tell you it will be a long day after they're off, as I won't stop worrying until I know they've landed safely!

My last day of work is Thursday and after that I'll start getting things ready around here. Hopefully there will be no more delays and we'll be in Perth in a few weeks!

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