Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Australian Update

It's been a while since we've done an update but things here have been pretty busy. We've been looking at houses, getting the lay of the land and adjusting to our new surroundings. So far everything has been great, and we're really enjoying the area.

We bought a car for me a little over a week ago and it's been so nice being able to get around on my own! I'm starting to get the "driving" thing down, and I only hit a minimal amount of curbs these days! We call it my little "go cart" because it's so small. I got a 2009 Toyota Corolla hatchback. It's so cute! Funny thing is, we paid almost the same for this car as we did my Mazda 6 back in Texas (well, about $2000 less for this car) but my Mazda was fully loaded. I can't think of one option we could have added to it, and my little Corolla only has power windows, for the front seats! Funny how the price of things can vary so much depending on where you are in the world.

We've also made an offer on a house and are in the middle of negotiations as of now. Hopefully that will get settled soon, as we just found out today that both of our shipments (one from Singapore and one from Texas) have cleared customs and are ready for delivery.

I've been to see the girls once a week since we arrived and they seem to be doing well. We will pick them up this Saturday morning and I can't wait!! I miss them soooo much I can't stand it!

Guess our big news for this update is that Jamie celebrated his 29th birthday this past Sunday. Unfortunately for him he had to have a wisdom tooth taken out on Friday, so he didn't feel too much liking celebrating! The dentist decided he didn't need to be put to sleep to have it taken out and well, lets just say the job she did was less than par! Way less!! Jamie was in lots of pain after it was done and all day on Saturday. Jamie never takes pain medication, and by Friday night he was begging for it! His poor face was so swollen, and the inside of his mouth looks like a bomb went off! His stitches look horrible, and we're still trying to figure out why she cut the area she did to get that tooth out. Not gonna lie, it looks pretty bad!

For his birthday I decided to get him a new set of golf clubs, since he will hopefully be getting a membership over here. But, since he was feeling so bad he really wasn't up to going to pick any out. We were able to go out to eat on Sunday though, and enjoy the ice cream cake I got for him that night. Hopefully we'll be able to get his gift this weekend and he'll be able to take advantage of this great weather and get some use out of them.

Hopefully my next update will be about us moving into our house. We've got the beach house for a few more weeks, but it would be nice to have everything moved in and set up before we have to be out of here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We're here!!

All 4 of the McMillan's are now in Perth, safe and sound. The weather has been great. Around 70 - 75 and sunny during the day and in the 50's, cool and breezy at night. It feels a little weird having "winter weather", but I must say it's a nice change from 85 and humid as hell!

We were able to see the girls on Tuesday and they seem to be doing well. Budder is a little stressed out and has managed to lick her top lip raw. I think part of it was not having a "baby" in the crate with her so the girls up at the quarantine were going to take care of that. The people up there seem to be pretty nice, and they just adore Punkin and Budder!

Jamie and I have been busy trying to get things going. We've got some house appointments scheduled for this afternoon, and we spent yesterday afternoon looking at cars for me and getting info on cell phones. I think Jamie is adjusting well to driving on the wrong side, but I still get pretty nervous about it. I've managed to only drive twice, and that was basically in the neighborhood going to eat and to the grocery store. I can't really explain it, but it just feels wrong! I'm sure I'll get used to it but for now I'll let Jamie drive.

The area we are staying in is gorgeous! We're in the Cottesloe Beach area, which is one of the beaches we visited when we were here in February. With a one minute walk I am at the beach and the views are just amazing! We'll probably start taking pictures this weekend to show everyone.

So far the move has been good but we've got sooo much to do! It will be a busy couple weeks ahead but hopefully they go by fast!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Last night in Singapore

It's been a busy week, but we've managed to get everything taken care of! Tuesday was the last vet appointment, and instead of it being the basic check up it was scheduled to be Punkin ended up having amoebic dysentery....AGAIN! It started Monday and I was so afraid the symptoms wouldn't clear up before she had to leave and that would have just made the trip that much more difficult for her. Luckily, we started her on antibiotics Tuesday morning and she was doing much better by Wednesday night.

Thursday was a very LONG and EMOTIONAL day for me, but I somehow managed not to drive Jamie completely mad! The girls and I left Thursday morning around 9:30 to head to the Changi Quarantine Station for their inspection and kennel sealing. I walked them around while they were getting the paperwork settled and they were sealed in the crates around 10:45. We then went to the agent that would weight them and get them on the plane. Their flight was scheduled to depart at 2:20 with a stopover in Kuala Lumpur. They landed in Perth around 11:30 that night, but because of the time they were not taken to the quarantine station in Perth until 6 am the next morning! They had to spend almost 24 hours sealed in their crates, how miserable!! They had a very long journey to say the least. I am very excited to say that they did arrive safe and sound and when we spoke with the lady in Perth she said they were adjusting well. She kept talking about how "cute" and "adorable" everyone thought they were, and that made me feel much better. We have an appointment to see them and take them for a walk on Tuesday and I can't wait!

So, now we're in the hotel we stayed in when we first visited Singapore. The condo is packed, cleaned and the keys turned in. All that's left for us to do is board the plane in the morning and start our new adventure in Perth! We're excited, but we know there's a lot that needs to be done in the next few weeks. I'll try my best to keep everyone as updated as I can!