Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We're here!!

All 4 of the McMillan's are now in Perth, safe and sound. The weather has been great. Around 70 - 75 and sunny during the day and in the 50's, cool and breezy at night. It feels a little weird having "winter weather", but I must say it's a nice change from 85 and humid as hell!

We were able to see the girls on Tuesday and they seem to be doing well. Budder is a little stressed out and has managed to lick her top lip raw. I think part of it was not having a "baby" in the crate with her so the girls up at the quarantine were going to take care of that. The people up there seem to be pretty nice, and they just adore Punkin and Budder!

Jamie and I have been busy trying to get things going. We've got some house appointments scheduled for this afternoon, and we spent yesterday afternoon looking at cars for me and getting info on cell phones. I think Jamie is adjusting well to driving on the wrong side, but I still get pretty nervous about it. I've managed to only drive twice, and that was basically in the neighborhood going to eat and to the grocery store. I can't really explain it, but it just feels wrong! I'm sure I'll get used to it but for now I'll let Jamie drive.

The area we are staying in is gorgeous! We're in the Cottesloe Beach area, which is one of the beaches we visited when we were here in February. With a one minute walk I am at the beach and the views are just amazing! We'll probably start taking pictures this weekend to show everyone.

So far the move has been good but we've got sooo much to do! It will be a busy couple weeks ahead but hopefully they go by fast!

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