Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Australian Update

It's been a while since we've done an update but things here have been pretty busy. We've been looking at houses, getting the lay of the land and adjusting to our new surroundings. So far everything has been great, and we're really enjoying the area.

We bought a car for me a little over a week ago and it's been so nice being able to get around on my own! I'm starting to get the "driving" thing down, and I only hit a minimal amount of curbs these days! We call it my little "go cart" because it's so small. I got a 2009 Toyota Corolla hatchback. It's so cute! Funny thing is, we paid almost the same for this car as we did my Mazda 6 back in Texas (well, about $2000 less for this car) but my Mazda was fully loaded. I can't think of one option we could have added to it, and my little Corolla only has power windows, for the front seats! Funny how the price of things can vary so much depending on where you are in the world.

We've also made an offer on a house and are in the middle of negotiations as of now. Hopefully that will get settled soon, as we just found out today that both of our shipments (one from Singapore and one from Texas) have cleared customs and are ready for delivery.

I've been to see the girls once a week since we arrived and they seem to be doing well. We will pick them up this Saturday morning and I can't wait!! I miss them soooo much I can't stand it!

Guess our big news for this update is that Jamie celebrated his 29th birthday this past Sunday. Unfortunately for him he had to have a wisdom tooth taken out on Friday, so he didn't feel too much liking celebrating! The dentist decided he didn't need to be put to sleep to have it taken out and well, lets just say the job she did was less than par! Way less!! Jamie was in lots of pain after it was done and all day on Saturday. Jamie never takes pain medication, and by Friday night he was begging for it! His poor face was so swollen, and the inside of his mouth looks like a bomb went off! His stitches look horrible, and we're still trying to figure out why she cut the area she did to get that tooth out. Not gonna lie, it looks pretty bad!

For his birthday I decided to get him a new set of golf clubs, since he will hopefully be getting a membership over here. But, since he was feeling so bad he really wasn't up to going to pick any out. We were able to go out to eat on Sunday though, and enjoy the ice cream cake I got for him that night. Hopefully we'll be able to get his gift this weekend and he'll be able to take advantage of this great weather and get some use out of them.

Hopefully my next update will be about us moving into our house. We've got the beach house for a few more weeks, but it would be nice to have everything moved in and set up before we have to be out of here.

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