Thursday, February 4, 2010

Australian Open & Kylie's Room

As I mentioned in my last post Jamie has been gone on business for the past week. He kicked off his trip in Melbourne, where they took a number of clients to the Australian Open Tennis men's and women's finals. He had a great time and was able to watch the finals from some really good seats (They were 11th row baseline for the women's finals and 8th row center court for the men's, both were opposite the chair). Here's a few of the photos he took while at the matches.

View of Tennis Complex walking up from tram

Women's Finals - Serena Williams & Justine Henin

Men's Finals - Andy Murray & Roger Federer

That same weekend he was gone I got a little antsy and decided to paint Kylie's room all by myself. I knew Jamie would be travelling a lot in the next few weeks, so I didn't want to wait to get it done. It took me two days (could have done it in one but getting up and down on that ladder is hard work!!) but I think it turned out great. The color is a little bright, but once we get the furniture and decorations in it I think it will look really good. We have a photographer scheduled to come out and take pregnancy photos on March 13th, so I'm hoping to have the room completely done by then. Now that the painting is finished we can now focus on the furniture!! You'll notice in the photos below that there is a huge shelving unit. It's sooo big!! Since we haven't really been able to find dressers that go with the crib sets here in Perth, I'm going to cover half of the shelves with pink curtains and use that as a place to put her clothes. You can see some of her clothes are already in place, but we've got more in the closet and more on the way! Think we may have went a bit overboard!
Frog wall hangings and clothes hamper go with her bedding set. It's so cute, I can't wait to get it all set up!!
If you look closely in the corner shelves you will see Kylie's first gift from her "Daddy". On his way back from San Francisco during a stopover in Singapore he picked up the stuffed tiger for her. When he told me he had a gift for Kylie I almost started crying. it was so sweet! Can't believe it's starting already! She's going to be so spoiled!!

I've said it before, but for those of you who didn't already know how wonderful of a husband I have you will after this. There are only a few Krispy Kremes in Australia (none even close to Perth) and there just so happens to be 2 in Brisbane. There are other doughnut shops around here but they don't even come close to how a real doughnut should taste, never mind a Krispy Kreme doughnut! When I picked Jamie up from the airport on Thursday he a a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts in hand! Glazed and blueberry cake are my favorite, which consisted of more than half of the box! Krispy Kreme doughnuts are the absolute best gift you can get for a woman that is 7 months pregnant!! I did miss him, but the doughnuts more than made up for his week long trip!

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