Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Date Night

So, Saturday night Jamie and I hit the town without Kylie!  I am happy to report that I didn't even cry when we dropped her off!  I did shed one very, very small tear in the car afterwards, but I did not cry when we dropped her off!

For our night out we got all dressed up and hit our favorite restaurant The Boatshed.  It may sound familiar since that is where we had our fabulous Valentine's Day dinner.  Once again, it was wonderful.  The food is amazing and the service is top notch.  I can't say enough great things about this place, so Alisa if you're reading this thanks again for suggesting it!

Even though we only went out for dinner the evening was great.  It was nice to go out for a nice meal and be able to order a bottle of wine, relax and take our time.  Here are some photos of our night!

The excited couple!!

And the proud parents!!

Why is it that I always look sooo fat when I take a photo with her!?  I'm going to blame it on the fact that she is so small, so really I just look big!

We're off to Sydney in 45 days!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I can't believe I forgot!!

I realize that some of you must be thinking "OMG, 2 post in 1 week!".  I know people, but what I forgot to tell you the other day is worthy of such an act!  I can't believe that I forgot to mention the big news. (Well, it's big to me anyway) As of Saturday night Kylie is sleeping through the night!!! And I mean, REALLY sleeping through the night, not this 5-6 hour crap.

Saturday we went over to a coworker of Jamie's for what we thought was just going to be drinks and conversation. Kylie did really well and most of the time we didn't even realize she was there, so we ended up staying almost 6 hours. She must have been simply exhausted because she went to bed at almost 10 and slept until 6:30am without a peep! We chalked it up to an exciting night and didn't expect it to continue. To our surprise, she followed it up with another 8 hour night and a 10 hour night. Tuesday night she woke up twice but I think that was due to a growth spurt as she ate an extra 10 ounces over the course of that day. I am happy to report that both Wednesday and Thursday nights she once again slept for 10 hours straight! I am still programmed to wake up, but she seems to be enjoying her rest so that's all that matters!

I might as well go ahead and update you all on our weekend plans while I'm on here. It is official, Saturday night will be our first "date night" since Kylie was born. We were able to have a nice "lunch/shopping date" while my mom was here but that was more than 10 weeks ago. Jamie and I are both really looking forward to it so hopefully everything will go as planned!

Hope everyone else has a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The McMillan's are coming!!

So it's official, the McMillan’s (the folks that is) will be here in 51 days! Actually they will be in Australia in 51 days but not arrive in Perth until a few days after that. I guess I should have said "we will be meeting them in Sydney in 51 days!" instead.

I think that I have been going through withdrawls not being able to plan any vacations for the past 10 months! I am a little nervous about taking Kylie on a plane, but excited to FINALLY go on vacation even if the trip will be a short one. Jamie, Kylie and I will arrive in Sydney on the 3rd of Sept to meet the parents and then we will all fly to Perth on the 6th. The plan is to spend a week here and then drive down to
Margaret River where I've rented a house for us to stay in for a few days. We'll then head back to Perth where we'll wrap up the remainder of the vacay. The tickets have been purchased, hotels/houses booked and the list of to-dos all picked out! We haven't had any visitors since my mom left back in May so we are excited to be able to finally show Kylie off to some family in person.

On the home front things have been pretty quiet. It has been decided that I will not being going back to work just yet so I am spending as much time with my little lady as I possibly can. Last week we started attending our mom's group and met some really nice people that live in our neighborhood. We meet up once a week and talk about different topics lead by the community health nurse and then chat for an hour or so afterwards. Most of the topics do not really pertain to Kylie anymore as she is the 2nd oldest in the group (she was only 3 weeks old when the last group started so we decided to sit that one out) but I figured it would be a good way to meet other people in the area. So far it’s gone well and I can't get enough of them telling me how "well behaved" and "gorgeous" they all think she is! It's nice to know that others think that as well!
Kylie also had her 3 month check last week and I am happy to report she is still doing fabulous. She was 11 lbs and 24 1/2 inches long. She's growing out of clothes vertically, not horizontally, which is a good problem to have I guess so I won't complain! She's CONSTANTLY talking now days and does a good job of getting your attention if she thinks you are not giving enough of it to her! The people at my mom's group think it is so funny when she bust out with her baby babble and big ole smile while we are in the middle of a discussion. She's already learning that a pretty smile can get you want you want if you know how to use it!

Here are some recent photos of Kylie for the family.

This was suppose to be nap time but when I looked over this is what I found (11 weeks)

Spending time with daddy after the footy game (11 weeks)

Tummy time! (12 weeks)

Evidently I don't know how to hold it, so she took over! (12 weeks)

One minute she was playing and the next she was out! (13 weeks)

Just chillin' (13 weeks)