Thursday, September 2, 2010

Final countdown

We are now less than 24 hours away from out long awaited departure (as I write this we are 14 hours and 30 minutes away but who’s counting?). Woo Hoo!! I have spent the last 2 days doing everything possible to get ready and yet I am sure I will have forgotten something.

I have told you all about the McMillan travel curse at one time or another. He shows up at the most unreasonable of times and always seems to try his hardest to ruin any trip we take. Thinking back I can't remember a trip that he hasn't shown up to (yes, it is a he what else would it be???). Well, he has decided to visit us once again and today he is in Atlanta with Jamie's parents. As of lunch time in Perth they have been at the Atlanta airport delayed for almost 4 hours. They are expecting to miss their Los Angeles flight to Sydney which means they will be delayed an entire day since the next flight doesn't leave until the following night. I have my fingers crossed that he (the travel curse) enjoys Atlanta so much that he decides to stay there!

Aside from that things on the home front have been pretty busy. Jamie has been working late nights all week and I have been getting things ready around the house for our trip. It's amazing how much more you have to pack and plan for just by adding a little one to your travel plans! To make matters worse Kylie is still showing symptoms of teething. I think it's more of the teeth just shifting at this point because the pain (and symptoms) seems to come on for a few days and then go away for a week or two. This past Sunday was the worst day yet and Kylie just wanted to be held ALL DAY LONG! She would bite down on everything she could get her cubby little hands on and ran a mild temp pretty much all day. Sunday and Monday night she woke at 2 am and didn't fall back asleep until 4am. Yesterday however she was in a much better mood and went back to sleeping through the night again so hopefully we're good for the next few weeks.

On a side note the name of this post is "Final Countdown" for 2 reasons. The first one being our trip to Sydney and the second you ask?

Clemson Football starts this weekend and Jamie couldn't be any more excited. We've got Kylie's first tiger’s jersey arriving with Jamie's parents so she is all set to go as well.

That's about it for now since Kylie is up from her nap. Here are a few photos taken this week of Kylie receiving a gift from her Uncle Jason and Aunt Laura. 20 week weight is 14 pounds 6 ounces and length is 25 1/2 inches.

Jason said something about Jamie fighting off the fellas and she just thought that was hilarious!!

1 comment:

Karen Langridge said...

She is so stinkin' cute! And, so happy! Can't tell if she looks more like you or Jamie. Enjoy your trip with Jamie's parents. Keep up the posts, I enjoy reading them and seeing the pictures.
