Monday, January 24, 2011

To Bali or not to Bali...

This shouldn't even be a question, I mean seriously; it's Bali!!  Of course the answer should always be TO BALI, right?  We have a five day weekend coming up in April and since it's in the same month as Kylie's 1st birthday and our 8 year anniversary I was thinking Bali would be a good choice.  The problem, I wasn't expecting to pay 3 grand for a 5 day weekend!  Normally I would say "Okay, since this is a bit more expensive than I thought let's just extend the trip and have it be our big vacation".  However, our big vacation for this year is going to be a trip back to the states to meet up with some friends at a Clemson game and then either a cruise or a beach house somewhere warm and tropical after that.  Since that trip is going to be a bit pricey (and in addition to our Christmas trip home) the question is "do I really want to spend this much money for a 5 day vacation?"  So, that's my dilemma.  My solution?  I will plan a vacation to 3 locations - Bali, Indonesia; Phuket, Thailand; and Margaret River, Western Australia.  Jamie and I will look at the trips and make a decision on where to go from that.  How that's a solution I don't really know.  It doesn't help at all with the fact that it's going to be an expensive "mini-cation" but I guess it will help me to be okay with paying that much for it! Here is my thinking right now. 

Of course Margaret River will be the cheapest (we can drive and the accommodation is cheaper) but we've already been there.  There is tons of stuff to do and lots of winery's to see so it's not like we wouldn't be doing/seeing new things not to mention it will be Summer/early Fall  instead of early Spring but... we've been there. 

Phuket is a place that we've wanted to visit and we actually had a trip planned last October but had to cancel it due to the move to Perth.  We've already been to Thailand, but it's such a beautiful place why not go again?  It's close to where we went last time (Krabi) so we can see the sites we were too lazy to go to last time, like the Phi Phi islands and the beach where The Beach was filmed.  Won't really save us any money to go here versus Bali but gives us a different option and Jamie really want's to go back to Thailand.

And last but not least, Bali.  1.  It's a place I've always wanted to go.  2.  Bali is very "family friendly" and lots of the big resorts (like the Four Seasons and the Westin) have babysitting services so we could enjoy a spa day, etc.  3. Did I mention that it's on my bucket list of places to visit?  When will we ever be a 3 hour flight away from there again?  Exactly, I don't know either.  I guess we may not be a 3 hour flight from there in April, (if I've learned anything with Jamie's company it's that they can call to offer a new position at any time!) but as of right now we are.

For the past week, in addition to trying to figure out our next vacation I have been gearing up to go back to work.  This week Kylie started play sessions at the daycare and next week she goes in for a half day and then a full day to help her adjust before I start work the following week.  I am extremely unsettled about leaving her in the care of someone else but I know it will be good, for both of us!  I need to feel like I'm more than just a "mom" and I know after seeing her this past week in the play sessions that she will enjoy the company of the other babies.  I feel comfortable with the center she's going to be attending so I know in the end everything will be okay.

So, what's the challenge for next week? Actually being able to drop her off when I don't have to work.  Tuesday (the half day) won't be too bad because I will have Jamie there to make me walk out the door!  As of now he is planning to take the day off and we are going to have a "date morning" and head out to the beach for a while and then grab some lunch.  Wednesday is Australia Day so no daycare.  Thursday however is supposed to be her full day and Jamie heads out to Melbourne for some meetings and then the Australian Open.  That means that I will be dropping her off all by myself!  I get nervous just thinking about it!!  When I think of the chance to have a full day to myself though I start to feel a little better : )  I'm thinking beach, shopping, massage and maybe a mani/pedi to end the day!  After all, I am going back to work so I deserve a day of fun first, right?

So, that's been our week.  Last week Kylie turned 9 months old.  Her weight was 18 lbs and she was 29 inches long.  She also started crawling this week which has been a blast (no sarcasm intended)!  It's so fun to watch her chase the dogs and I think that they like it as well!  Below I have included a few new photos as well as a video for the grandparents of her moving around.  I'll keep you posted on how next week goes, wish me luck!!

For a week straight this is how she would sit while eating in her chair, don't see how this is comfortable but what do I know?

Kylie in her "Christmas Outfit" made my Mama Connie.  Because we all got sick she wasn't actually able to wear it for Christmas.  We did make use of it on our visit to see Mama Ruth which was good, but I didn't have any photos of her wearing it.

Playing in the backyard with the girls, she LOVES them!!

And hangin' out!

Videos for the grandparents!!
Lookout people we've finally got a mover!!
(Sorry about the poor quality.  I don't know why it's so bad!  Only thing I can think of is that it was taken with an  HD recorder and the player obviously is not!)

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